Continuing a discussion with Quantumingress Effectingress​ from another thread, so as not to tangent it any father.

Continuing a discussion with Quantumingress Effectingress​ from another thread, so as not to tangent it any father.

I conclude (from everything I've seen and read on the subject) that Resistance and Enlightened control fields have exactly the same effects on the human minds within them. I still don't have enough data for a definitive list of what all of those effects are, but at the very least both allow the minds within to be "patterned," or copied. Jarvis and ADA both seem to agree on this point.

Regarding actual mind control, the only clear example of that I'm aware of is ADA's Ingressing of Klue (and possibly her experiments on 855 before that) and I've seen no indication that control fields of either frequency were involved in this. There has been lots of talk of a subtler "influence", and certainly some of the earlier anomalies appeared to sway the targeted individuals' allegiance toward the faction which dominated them. But I don't believe all of those victories involved control fields over the targets; some were won simply by dominating the local portals.

So, I would say that both the Enlightened and the Resistance can use XM surges to influence a person's behavior, and certainly ADA and the Shapers can both at least observe in near-perfect resolution the minds within their respective colors' fields. But I can't say with certainty that either color of field has inherent mind-controlling properties, or at least not to any greater degree than other forms of subtle communication (like conventional advertising).

On a final note: while ADA definitely mentioned wanting to analyze the minds of millions of humans to increase her understanding of them, there was also strong implication (or maybe direct statement, but I don't remember for sure) that she was also using all of their spare processing power during the event. If that is the case, it might constitute evidence that ADA can use Resistance fields for low-level mind control. And if she can, by extension it seems likely that the Shapers can do the same with Enlightened fields.

tl;dr: I don't believe there is any difference at all between what blue and green fields can be used to do to human minds, other than which faction is able to use them.


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