TWO MORE PLAYERS I'm glad that H. Richard Loeb has read our discussion and gives an immediate response. In my post yesterday ( ), 5 points were list. Point 1 and point 3 is confirm by PAC today. Neither he told Misty Hannah how to reach A Detection Algorithm, nor he had gave Misty the information that ADA was seeking her. And the response to Point 4 is more important: My opinion was: ‘Magic’ is not a good answer to calm an AI down when you hack into her backdoor. And PAC response: ‘Magic’ means something different in the context of Misty. In conclusion, both PAC and I consider that Misty is really using her "Magic" talent to gain access to the SSC, and hide herself from the search of the Omniscient ADA. H. Richard Loeb, I know that you are paying attention to us. And my doubt today is: You reached out to Misty once you discovered that dialogue between Misty a...