The color might tell us a secret.

The color might tell us a secret. If Lv9 Reso and XMP exist, their color would be blue. In other hand, common Mod is light green so is Lv 0 or 16? Rare one is violet so is Lv 8? However, Very rare one is purple so is Lv 6. It's not match on the its color and Mod's one. Btw there must be 3 factors ENL XM, RES XM, and Chaotic matter (aka Dark XM) and there's Pure XM at the center of 3 factors. Remind the Purifier medal. Everything comes from Pure XM. And it turn into 3 XMs by observer's thought. This is my hypothesis. How do you think of this?
H. Richard Loeb​​​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​​​

*sorry Niantic logo should've be Ingress logo.


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