Managed to assemble the Seattle Deaddrops enjoy!
Managed to assemble the Seattle Deaddrops enjoy! Transciption: Page I Sumoya Mistress of the subaquatic depths, was finely arrayed in her tight fitting garb which accented her perfect form. She wore metallic amphorae upon her back with short cephalopodian tentacles wrapped around her neck to the black shell which covered her mouth... Her feet were webbed and a dagger was strapped around her calf... She turned to look back and saw through me into the darkness beyond. I am used to this. I know always that i am the 'seer who is unseen! A stranger to all places i visit. Her dark eyes scanned all around her with the cunning of a fox suspecting a wolfpack is on its trail. She then observed the sky as if she suspected that a bird of prey was circling the atramentous heavens. She was satisfied that she had not been followed. She looked towards me again. Even though i was as a ghost, her eyes stopped for a moment as if she sensed my presence. Why, i wondered, was she alone? Where was her r...