
Showing posts from April, 2017

PAC had me up last night making connections between the Niantic and Captain Fletcher.... H.

PAC had me up last night making connections between the Niantic and Captain Fletcher.... H. Richard Loeb​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​ Hank Johnson​​ [embed][/embed]

Found a recent find that I found interesting.

Found a recent find that I found interesting. The Rayados or the striped ones as Onate called them because of the way they tattooed their faces [embed][/embed]

Voynich Manuscript

Voynich Manuscript A single sentence was sent my way recently, "Great Enlightened Society of Oculists", and so I did some digging, which further lead me to finding a digital copy of something that I've only heard of before, the "Voynich Manuscript"... This has recently been published online. With the coming events of #13MagnusReawakens, is this a coincidence? We have an old anomaly using this same name as well. It is an illustrated codex hand-written in an unknown writing system. The vellum on which it is written has been carbon-dated to the early 15th century (1404-1438), and it may have been composed in Northern Italy during the Italian Renaissance... It is definitely worth a look through, maybe something would seem familiar to you as it did to me. Voynich Manuscript link -> [Click on ...

Just a quick observation, because I'm supposed to be studying for finals...

Just a quick observation, because I'm supposed to be studying for finals... I can't find the thread, but I was hung up on the significance of the number 13 in regards to the number of "participants" in a Magnus, because it's a prime and not generally found in nature... However, came across a geometric construct called a metatrons cube that nicely arranges 13 circles in a hexagon pattern. Obviously you can Google one up, maybe you're all familiar with it already but it was new to me. ( I don't abide by that numerology/angels/crystals stuff. ) Anyway, it was nice how the framework also meshed with the glyph framework. Scientific discovery rarely falls in line with man's desire to have everything in tidy symmetrical patterns... but occasionally, it does.

Today Stein Lightman​​​, extraordinary glyph expert, wrote again after a long time of silence.[1]

Today Stein Lightman​​​, extraordinary glyph expert, wrote again after a long time of silence.[1] His post let me think about two connections. The first connection might be the metatron’s cube grid theory by Daniel Beaudoin​​​. “If we believe that metatron’s cube contains all geometric structures it would be a blueprint. A perfectly and well designed Techthulhu by nature.”[2] The second connection might be the Ingress dice set itself. “All dices tell a story.”[3] What do you believe, agents? [1] [2] [3] Edgar Allan Wright​​​ Hank Johnson​​​

Klue in Taipei and then back to following November Lima

Klue in Taipei and then back to following November Lima As we saw with the recent Mission day in Taipei, Ingress announced that several #FindTheKlue dead-drops would go live that day, and they in fact did, but it was said that Klue S. had visited Taipei in the past, which I highly doubt is true, and I believe that these are coming through NOW as signs from Klue S. while she's still in the portal network. As I continue my tracking of these 'occurrences', I witnessed again the phenomenon of where ever November Lima appears, a Klue S. dead-drop appears, except in the instance of Winston-Salem, NC, when There was a micro-XM-disturbance within November Lima itself. As the most recent activity of Klue S. after the Mission day in Taipei was another appearance involving November Lima again . It has been stated by Edgar Allan Wright that, "the mystery coach is ‘transitioning.’" - I personally believe th...

Since I'm new to Operation Essex, has anyone talked about the anthropologist and psychedelic researcher who first...

Since I'm new to Operation Essex, has anyone talked about the anthropologist and psychedelic researcher who first discovered the evidence and pattern of the Shapers use of XM to retroactively shape history and civilization, Terrence McKenna? He predicted the exact day that XM would be detected for the first time. Not certain if that is still a secret, or has already been discovered by others in the Operation. [embed][/embed]

We are Team tu es qui conformat and we need your help. In an attempt to unde...


I have been trying to figure our if there is a single glyph that could represent each Archetype.

I have been trying to figure our if there is a single glyph that could represent each Archetype. I have reached out to a few others and we have agreed on 8 leaving 5 undecided. I welcome any and all feedback on this project. I am willing to acknowledge that even the 8 could be changed. #MagnusReawakens H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright​ flint dille​ Operation Essex​ Project Isthmus​ Niantic Project​ Niantic

The Jarvis Magnus - further thoughts to archetypes and the failure of the Niantic Magnus

The Jarvis Magnus - further thoughts to archetypes and the failure of the Niantic Magnus It is believed by some investigators that the Niantic Magnus failed because of the different researcher's alignments. We had our doubts on that regarding Carrie Campbell’s and Enoch Dalby’s complimentary synesthetes despite their different alignments. Our believe is that the Niantic Magnus was disharmonic because it already contained a Magnus within: The Jarvis Magnus Back in 2013 Roland Jarvis was shattered in 13 codenamed shards.[1] Now a think tank of several investigators[2] were able to connect these codenamed shards to each researcher and archetype. For that we analyzed each researcher's characteristics, thoughts and actions. Archetype Researcher Entity XM Shard Explorer Hank Johnson Intuition Dreamer Roland Jarvis Awareness Alchemist Oliver Lynton-Wolfe Insight Humanist Yuri Nagassa Immortality S...

It must be working. Recently our XM Sensitive +Sugashna Govender from Team #l...


As one of a technical mind, I myself would be curious to know the power requirements of the Tecthulhu Modules.

As one of a technical mind, I myself would be curious to know the power requirements of the Tecthulhu Modules. Knowing the kind of hardware these things require might give a clue on who might be able to produce these, and where they might be able to be used. The ability to 'spawn' an Anomalous Zone with ease (compared to ancient times) is a bit disturbing, and 'internal safeguards' can always be disabled... [embed][/embed] NIA is looking into what history the #MagnusReawakens site might have - what do we know about the site? [embed][/embed]

Sources detected a large XM discharge in Afghanistan, directly corresponding to the MOAB ordinance.

Originally shared by Scheurmann R. (esistance) Sources detected a large XM discharge in Afghanistan, directly corresponding to the MOAB ordinance. At this time, I am unable to determine if that was caused by the bomb, or if it was the bomb. Either is equally possible. [embed][/embed]

NL-Prime Visit - Akira the Omniscient

NL-Prime Visit - Akira the Omniscient My wife and I had the opportunity to visit NL-Prime in Nagoya this week. It was definitely an enlightening experience. There are a few conclusions that have been made as a result of this experience. Photos from the tour can be seen here: Akira the Omniscient When the Niantic project began, A Detection Algorithm was there - listening, testing, observing. She observed the talents of the researchers and became classified as the Omniscient. Akira is doing much the same as ADA. The very tests present in NL-Prime are carried out as if they are searching for someone in particular. Akira lists detailed information on every single researcher, as if she had the same data as ADA. Information showing brain scans, behaviour etc. What's more she uses technology to the superlative degree in her tests. Her goal may be integrating technology/data (perhaps even ADAs data ) with her own mind. If you think about New Wave ...

Further thoughts on Klue and November Lima

Further thoughts on Klue and November Lima I recently attended the November Lima meet up in Winston-Salem, NC. To meet up with agents was my cover, but my true intentions were to the gather further insights into Klue S.'s involvement with November Lima... Through circumstances that I can not explain, was it coincidence or was it fate? But what I witnessed has me really intrigued... While there, I witnessed some strange lights coming from within November Lima, the driver noticed the lights as well and darted into November Lima to inspect the van, and then he emerges with the electrostatic bag containing the Klue cards. Like there was a micro-xm disturbance within November Lima itself This would explain the lack of a dead-drop at North Carolina, I was disappointed as well, but being that tracking Klue while she's in the portal network has been my main focus in the investigation for a while, I went undeterred. I'm looking at the small bag and I have a realization about why t...

The portals and shard linked to them.

The portals and shard linked to them. Something about the connection between character and place?

Finished this study!

Finished this study! Didn't want to flood the group with all the individuals but you can find them through the links. :) Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa Sequence Glyph Question Study This one was a bit different than my other study as my other study had a lot more level 8 glyphs to work on... In fact it had so many i missed a few. Question though had only 4 level 8s... So why didn't i expand to lower levels? Well, because as i did i got less and less secondaries which is saying a lot because of how little the majorities these had. And as i looked at the lower levels i saw my most common glyphs slip away and i didnt want to stray from them because i felt their presence in the level 8s were important to over all study of Question. I loved their designs though and may consider going back and studying them on a later date. So lets get to the data! The Sequences There were 4 major sequences i started with. Below are there individual links to their personal stu...

A reassignment.

A reassignment. [embed][/embed]

I'm sharing with you my speculations about the current alignment of the Niantic investigators.

I'm sharing with you my speculations about the current alignment of the Niantic investigators... I'm not sure of many (specially Schubert, Hannah, Kureze, and Dalby) but I did what I could. I took into account their "original" alignment, then their alignment after they "woke up" after Abaddon and their actions from that moment on... People closer to the "white" segment are the ones that I considered to be more neutral and/or more prompt to change factions. You are very welcome to comment and offer possible changes. Agent CataCat

Make your voice audible. We're listening.

Make your voice audible. We're listening. #FateOfThe13

Klue and NL working together again?

Klue and NL working together again? So after Klue S. dead drops appeared around Fukuoka Japan, which is the same location that A Detection Algorithm shards came to rest after #MagnusAwakens #FateOfThe13.. November Lima has started another trek, and now when ever November Lima appears, Klue S. seems to appear as well. As displayed by: Orlando: Gainesville: Has Klue brought some portion of A Detection Algorithm to November Lima? What further mysteries are unfurling on the other side of the portals? What does Omega Mission mean? Is it the end to something? To Someone? What do you think agents? #KlueLives Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke John Hanke flint dille Ethan Lepouttre Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs Anne Beuttenmüller Ethan Lepouttre

Some kind of theory about +Ingress upcoming event Magnus Reawakens.

Some kind of theory about +Ingress upcoming event Magnus Reawakens. After some investigation around I have had thoughts, composed in some kind of theory below. Seems like Tectulhu manufactured as a module with RFID antenna and RFID reader. So it could be activated by RFID marker, with bytecode listed on the oscillatory device as 0x23a or 0x171 (depends on left or right order). Due to small glyph "XM" on the green tube device, it could be XM storage or producer. Arduino board near left man could be a device which performs actions (there are also relay i/o board next to it). So, summing up all of these and IITC screen on notebook, I could assume that participants of Magnus Reawakens event will compete in building of some kind of realworld portal, equipped with RFID marker (containing right code). Then Tectulhu module could be inserted into one of those portals and, if everything goes OK, Tectulhu module will be turned ...

Ingress​ I think I stumbled on the coolest portal of all time.

Ingress​ I think I stumbled on the coolest portal of all time. Edgar Allan Wright​ it may have a Tecthulhu module or two!

The XM Profiler

The XM Profiler Interesting to see a small, unassuming object that resembles a vending machine at first glance. Then when you get closer, you feel an odd sense, as if there is electricity overhead. You hear the sounds of the substrate, see each action in reality beyond the scanner, you see the living portals status and it's history. Cloud the XM Profiler have a Tecthulhu module installed? It is connected to agents present and past. Who was it's creator? You can see data collected in the top right of the machine. Edgar Allan Wright​ H. Richard Loeb​

A new discovery in Israel found some glyphs in a dolmen dating back some 4000 years.

A new discovery in Israel found some glyphs in a dolmen dating back some 4000 years. Edgar Allan Wright​ Ishira Tsubasa​ Achim S.​ Project Isthmus​ [embed][/embed]