Few quick thoughts

Few quick thoughts

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

In light of the new revelation that Tycho is a Tecthulhu we have been filled with questions. For me though the term 'they' caught me... The Intel implied many things, that humans could become like a host for Tecthulhus and that there in fact could be many....

Where there was one there will be many, we thought meant more would come, not that they were already here. We thought it meant the modules... But what if this was just saying we would learn there are many?

With the implications my mind got lost in thoughts and I realized what other time have we had multiple Tecthulhus? Navarro... in the form of the modules. We built portals for Archetypes.... For the magnus.... What if the Archetypes that make the Magnus are in fact Tecthulhus or influenced by them and event of Navarro was trying to show us that. The current Magnus at that time was failing, so they needed another... Why not test a pool of new sensitives? New possible hosts or people to take place and become just like the man who claimed he was Tycho at comicon so many years ago...

The implications concern me... What if we were being influenced far more than what we believed and what did Navarro actually do...

What if magnus's are built by Tecthulhus by using the people who become the representation of Archetypes? My mind is muddled... The implications could be beyond we could ever imagine

John Hanke​​​ flint dille​​​ Operation Essex​​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​​ Agent KodamaSmiles​​​ Hank Johnson​​​ Chiplander​​​ Ingress​​​ #13magnusreawakens #campspiritualist


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