Thoughts from Operation: Essex?

Thoughts from Operation: Essex?

Originally shared by Scheurmann R. (esistance)

After 16 hours under layered blue and green fields, I'm left with questions. (reference:

XM, the ordered data that powers the whole world of ingress, has revolutionized so many technologies already. And yet, it behaves as a neutral entity- toads and smurfs use it in the exact same way.

If the shapers are really behind all of the XM as we've been lead to believe, then how can the smurfs use it in good conscience? Are we not being effected the same as the toads? 

My findings have always led me to believe that XM is an inter-dimensional force along the lines of gravity and light, and that the shapers are merely wielding this force as a means of ingress into our dimension.

I'd like to hear your thoughts, ingress community, on the effects of XM exposure versus the effects of Shaper influence.




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