H. Richard Loeb​ The Reason Foundation, I found it. You were talking about this about a week or so ago.

H. Richard Loeb​ The Reason Foundation, I found it. You were talking about this about a week or so ago.

I've included a page taken from the Niantic Project Vol. 4, pg 207. There is a ripped out page from... something. Seems to be a panel discussing Dialtone, and lists two sponsors.

One being The Reason Foundation, same as on the card Jahan gave Martin Schubert​.

The other sponsor? Shouldn't come as a surprise to be Ezekiel Calvin.

Not sure what to think, what relevance this has to anything, why this is important, or why we should care. So far, it's just a name, and this tells us Jahan and Calvin might have had some sort of connection, a long time ago.


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