help enlightened capture all portal

help enlightened capture all portal

TL;DR: 97.89% H-G-F-D-B (B-D) D-E-F-D-A-C-J-K (K) K-I-G-F-H-C (C) C-A-B-I-K-J-C (C) C-E-D-B-I-G-H-J-C

HELP ~4.73
CAPTURE ~ 6.73
ALL = 12
PORTAL ~ 11.46


the hidden truth?
If we assume that all perfect glyph sequences are "true", then what about the "hidden" truth of imperfect glyph sequences? I personally think that by replacing a single glyph in an imperfect sequence can (if it makes the sequence perfectly efficient) unveil the hidden truth of it.

But before we start, a quick explanation: from a geometric perspective there are 2 types of glyphs:
* Category 1: Glyphs that - when drawn - end at the same node of the grid at which they started. Examples for that would be PORTAL, HUMAN, ALL, TRUTH, NOURISH...
* Category 2: Glyphs that - when drawn - end at a different node than at which they started. Examples would be CLEAR-ALL, UNBOUNDED, SIMPLE, GAIN, IGNORE, IMPERFECT, LIE

Now looking at the sequence, the "imperfect" part of the sequence is between HELP and ENLIGHTENED.
If we assume that "help" is wrong here, to replace it we would need a glyph of category 1 that includes the node D or a glyph of category 2 that starts or ends at node D. Those would be: ANSWER, BEFORE, HUMAN/BEING, BODY, CREATIVITY, DETERIORATE, FEAR, HARMONY/PEACE, HIDE, I/ME/SELF, KNOWLEDGE, LESS, MIND/IDEA/THOUGHT, INSIDE/NOT, OPENING/DOORWAY/PORTAL, PRESENCE, PRESENT/NOW, RECHARGE/REPAIR, SEE, STRONG, TRUTH, VICTORY, WE/US, XM.

If we assume that "enlightened" is wrong here, to replace it we would need a glyph glyph of category 2 that ends at node K and starts either at node H or node B. The only glyphs that would do that (to my knowledge) are HAVE and RESTRAINT, which wouldn't really make any sense in this context - or would one of them? ;)


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