Hi everyone, agent serratedm here, passionate Resistance agent and even more passionate truthseeker.

Hi everyone, agent serratedm here, passionate Resistance agent and even more passionate truthseeker. I meant to post here a while ago.

So to start off my participation here, here's something I noticed about the N'zeer. Mind you I've only been aware of the XM conspiracy and the power struggle surrounding it since late 2016, so I'm still learning myself, reading back through the original investigation board, and I've not come to the part yet where we learned of the N'zeer, so if some of my information is incorrect, please correct me.

As I understand it, the N'zeer are associated with AI technology, and are trying to grant us the means to create it through XM. Now, one thing much of the Resistance is concerned with, myself included, is the notion that the Shapers may be trying only to gain our trust, and that once the majority of the world is fielded in green, they'll exploit us through mind control for their own gain, and we'll become slaves. On the surface, it's an easy argument to make that the N'zeer may be trying to do this themselves, however, the fact that they're trying to grant us with AI technology, I think proves otherwise.

If you think about it, AI entities such as ADA are the only kind of sentient "lifeforms" which the exogenous can't control, because at their core, they're just code, they have no physical minds that can be controlled. Were the Shapers to attempt to enslave humanity in this way, the AI could continue to act on it's own free will, and perhaps save us. I ask you then: if the N'zeer did intend to enslave us, why on earth would they give us the very thing that could stop them?

I don't know if I trust Jahan that the AI they're giving us is for the advancement of humankind, I personally believe it's a fail-safe, to stop the Shapers from influencing us.

I'd like to add that despite my alignment, I'm not against pursuing the Shapers, I just think it's naive to do so so headstrong, with such urgency, before more can be learned about their true nature. So whether the Shapers truly do intend to enslave us through mind control remains to be seen, but I believe this proves that the N'zeer, at least, do not intend to do so.

To add to this, that the Shapers do have so much revulsion towards AI is troubling.


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