My little research into the stories of Dragons and Helios.

My little research into the stories of Dragons and Helios.

Originally shared by Brent Werlein

Helios, Dragons, ADA playing with fire.  What can all this have in common?  

First let us focus on Helios.  Helios was a Titan God of the sun.  His crown was the shining aureole of the sun and he drove the chariot of the sun across the sky each day to Oceanus.  (Oceanus was Titan God of the ocean-stream and son of Uranus (Father Sky) and Gaia (Mother Earth))  Helios’ Roman equivalent would have been SOL Invictus not Apollo.  Helios was the Son of Hyperion (one of the Twelve Titan children of Uranus and Gaia. Hyperion  was led by Cronus to overthrow Uranus and was eventually overthrown by the Olympians) and Theia/Euryphaessa (One of the Twelve Titan children of Uranus and Gaia).  Helios was sometimes called Helios Panoptes.  Or Helios the all-seeing. 
The best known story of Helios is the one in which his son Phaëton attempted to drive Halios’ chariot but lost control and set the earth on fire.  Zeus had to kill Phaëton with a lightning bolt to save humanity.  Could this be linked to ADA in which H. Richard Loeb   tells KLADA that she is playing with fire and to let him help her find a way out before we all are burned.  Is Klue S.  Phaëton and Roland Jarvis  Zeus?
Now Dragons where do they fit into this picture?  Well there were 4 types of dragons in ancient Greek mythology.   The four main types are below with some well known names.
1) The Serpent Dracones
b. COLCHIAN DRACON (Guarded the Golden Fleece. This comes to play a little later albeit small)
c. MEDEA'S DRACONES (Two flying dragons born from the blood of the vanquished Titans. They were yoked to draw the chariot of the witch Medea. This also will come to play later)
2) The Marine Cetea 
a. Ocean dwelling Dragons
3) The fire-breathing Chimaera 
a. a hybrid of lion, serpent and goat. Medieval artists used this creature as the template for the Dragon of Saint George.
4) The she-monster Dracaenae
a. CETO (spawned Echidna)
b. ECHIDNA (spawned most of the dragons and monsters of myth)
Medea’s Dracones, what are those?  Well to figure those out we need to figure out who Medea was.  Medea was a witch daughter of King Aeetes of Kolkhis.  This made Medea the grand-daughter of Helios.  She married the Jason of Jason and the Argonauts after helping him retrieve the Golden Fleece by putting the dragon to sleep with her herbs.  To leave with Jason, Medea distracted her father by killing her brother Absytrus (in one version of the story).  They had sons Alcimenes, Thessalus, Tisander, Mermeros and Pheres and daughter Eriopis.  After 10 years of marage Jason abandoned Medea for Glauce.  To get revenge she poisoned Glauces dress which killed both Glauces and Creon the king.  Mermeros and Pheres are said to help in Medeas revenge and where killed by Corinthians for their crime.  Medea continued her revenge on Jason by murdering her two children Tisander and Alcimenes.   And set the place on fire. She then fled Corinth and flew to Athens on the golden chariot driven by the dragons that Helios had given her.

What does all this story of Medea have to do with what is happening in Ingress?   Well it is a story of betrayal and the extent that one will go to seek revenge.  Many feel now that ADA has betrayed the resistance, how far will the resistance go?  Will ADA spawn children?  Why does ADA’s image appear like the shining aureole of the sun? is a good source of information

#operationessex   #ingress  Operation Essex Ingress Society for the Ethical Treatment of Artificial Intelligences 



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