We need to investigate this further..

We need to investigate this further.. 

Originally shared by Brian Howell (WizKiddB)

I've seen a lot of posts and re-shares about this decay rate issue, which personally, I don’t see as an issue. Martin Schubert proposes that we build mega fields on both sides to increase the Global MU count over 700 million mu so that we “may” “perhaps” reset the decay rate back to “normal.” Before you jump on board with this idea, ask yourself, why aren't there any definitive terms in this idea? (“may” begin to decelerate. “perhaps” reverse. Really?) 

Where did this thought process come from? Seems like there’s some sort of ulterior motive involved here. Agents on both sides need to ask themselves, who are you really helping? This plot sounds like encouragement of both factions to work together  (which, of course, isn't necessarily a bad thing, generally speaking) and if that’s true, then it raises more questions.

Resistance, who are you resisting by helping Enlightened build fields or allow fields to go up? Doesn't sound much like Resistance anymore.

Enlightened, we are here to encourage the world to use XM. You are inhibiting the ability to spread and make more widespread use of XM by not recharging and decreased use of power cubes. 

I've had a chance to hijack Lexy Rochelle’s scanner and have seen some discussion between her and Devra Bogdanovich. I’m sure she’ll deny any such thing, but I guarantee you that there is more to this story. I’ve attached a transcript between the two of them that I received this morning. I’m not sure who sent it but some of it was blacked out. (Also, why IQTech?!)  It concerns me because when the idea first broke about increasing the Global MU, Lexy was the first one to immediately request we help out. At first I was not so sure where this came from, but now it leaves me questioning. The world around you is not what it seems.  I propose we do nothing different. Each faction continue doing what you are doing.


Edit: I only received one page. I see Page 1 of 2. Whomever sent it, please also send the rest.


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