The Devra Vaccine, Entanglement, and Shonin-Sharding Event

The Devra Vaccine, Entanglement, and Shonin-Sharding Event

One question that has come up in prior postings here, and in the Essex hangout, has been around what occurred when the Pershwar Nest was destroyed by Azmati during the Shonin Anomaly series.
A leading theory is that those sensitives from the Niantic Project who were present at CERN when Oliver Lynton-Wolfe detonated a power cube on Epiphany Night were entangled by XM, similar to the concept of "quantum entanglement". Under this theory, the powerful XM explosion pulled OLW and Devra Bogdanovich , both of whom were at the Nest, into the portal network. Due to their entanglement with Devra and OLW, the other sensitives present Epiphany Night were also pulled into the network.
This theory may well be true. But I believe there are some issues with it, specifically related to the anti-XM vaccine Devra was creating.
We know from Devra's statements leading back to her park bench meeting with Hank Johnson that Devra was very concerned about the effect of XM on humans. In a rather nebulous statement, she proposed "turning them [the portals] off".
After the body of Roland Jarvis was extracted from CERN and brought to the CDC, Devra used the unusual deaths of those transporting it to convince the CDC that XM was indeed a dire threat and that she should be given resources to develop a vaccine to protect the population, and then inoculate everyone, without consent or knowledge. This vaccine was successfully developed, but with a mortality rate of approximately 20%.(
Following the release of her "portal virus" into the portal network, a consortium of XM interests (XM corporations, NIA et al) orchestrated a PR campaign that resulted in her work being shut down. (
Devra ended up at Hulong, where she was quesitoned by Catherine Fan. During this, Devra used the vaccine on herself. (
From later information, it appears that the vaccine did indeed have an effect, most markedly on Devra's perceptions of the world around her. (
After being rescued by Hubert Farlowe Devra ended up at the Nest in Pershwar, and was pulled into the portal network when the Nest was detonated.

My question is why was Devra caught up this way? If we are correct in assuming that her vaccine worked as intended to make her immune to the effects of XM, how was she still pulled into the portals? The answers I can think of are these:
1) As Devra had already been influenced by XM, the vaccine had no effect on her
2) The vaccine did not work as intended
3) The vaccine worked, but was unable to protect Devra from the extreme levels of XM produced by the detonation of the Nest.
4) It was not the XM detonation that pulled Devra and the others into the portal network
5) There is something more that we do not yet know about either the vaccine or what occurred at the Nest.

I'm not sure which of the above is the correct answer


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