Good evening Dr.

Good evening Dr. Edgar Allan Wright​, in one of your posts, you asked about, what Kodama Smiles could know in relation to Susanna Moyer​. This is the soundfile from our interview with Kodama, it was highly informative regarding the whereabout of Susanna Moyer​. and what will happen to the Ingress Report.
A special thanks goes out to M. K.​ and Matt Stevenson​ to keep things uploaded!​

Originally shared by M. K. (labeljumper)

Interview In Cologne With Agent KodamaSmiles

Agents Ana Prados​​​​​, Philipp J. Bock​​​​​ and myself (@labeljumper) were able to interview Agent KodamaSmiles​​​​​. Here is a recording of that interview:

Bill Kilday​​​​​ Chiplander​​​​​ Ethan Lepouttre​​​​​ Linda Besh​​​​​ flint dille​​​​​ Anne Beuttenmüller​​​​​ Masashi Kawashima​​​​​ John Hanke​​​​​ Carlie Chiu​​​​​ Mike Quigley​​​​​ Andrew Krug​​​​​ Matilde Tusberti​​​​​ Susanna Moyer​​​​​ #ingress #vialux


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