Philipp J. Bock, Edgar Allan Wright, John Hanke

Philipp J. Bock, Edgar Allan Wright, John Hanke

Good day @ all

Friday i sat with Philipp ate something and i told him my idea about a new badge. :) He said to share my thoughts with you to hear your opinions. :D

The badge will maybe have the name: World traveler

We have in the world 7 continents

North America
South America

The base to earn the badge is to hacking, capture, link a portal and create a control field.
In your home continent you get no medal
In your home continent and one other continent the bronze medal
In your home continent and two other continents the silver medal
In your home continent and three other continents the gold medal
In your home continent and four other continents the onyx medal
In your home continent and five other continents the black medal

I limit it to 6 continets for the black because i don´t now whether portals exist in Antarctica ^^

What do you think? A little bit crazy??



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