Does anyone know of a decent septicycle calendar that is up to date?
Does anyone know of a decent septicycle calendar that is up to date? I'm thinking it would be interesting to see when certain events of the last two months occurred in correlation to my #shaperportent backlog. For example, during which septicycles did the following events occur?: - Essex RPE 00. - Misty's SDCC Appearance. - My AZ study in Northern california (Same weekend as Misty's appearance) - Misty's magic show. - Via Obscura RPE (Same weekend as the magic show) The reason I'm interested in finding out is that 2017.23 occurred during the week of Los Vegas Mission Day / Clear Field. The following septicycle, was when #fateOfThe12 ocurred. Essex RPE 00 happened within one or two septi cycles from that (not sure if it was earlier or later).. From the sequences I have already created, but have not published, there is one sequence which hints at a tecthulhu (during 2017.28) . It would kind of be interesting to see if that sequence falls on the weekend of Misty S...