All right, last night I was graciously added to the Rabbit Hole Hangout. Thank you. While playing a little catch up, an old video was brought up from ingress. I thought I had watched everyone, but I guess I had not. I dug deeper to see if there were any others I had missed. It was all of the Cassandra videos. How I missed these I do not know. Anyway one video grabbed my attention- The Cassandra Signal-Compiled ( ). I asked if anyone had seen it and JoJo sent me here ( ). This was indeed the post I was looking for. I noticed not all of the screenshots had been captured, So I decided to go frame by frame to attempt capture every one of them with their respective time stamp and see what glyph message was. The Glyph message is: Open All, Clear All, Begin, Journey, Pursue, Self, War, Pursue, Self, Destroy, Begin. Now in my attempt to capture time data and upload the photos in time stamp o...