Amaziah on Live Stream?

Amaziah on Live Stream?

Now that the live stream with Dr. Edgar Allan Wright has concluded, I feel I must speak out on this. 

The list of individuals in the accompanying picture were people who had received a special Hangout link that would be used to enter the live stream and address the good doctor on a question they had. One of the individuals who was on that list was none other than Amaziah Lachish.

Amaziah, for those of you reading this who don't know him, is a mysterious individual associated with the AntiMAGNUS society. He acts as a "Prime Aritfact Hunter"-someone who travels the world(and has possibly been travelling throughout history as a simulacrum who recurses) to obtain Prime Artifacts that can be used by the AntiMAGNUS to bring back the N'zeer.

Why was he watching the stream? Was he possibly spying on Wright somehow? I'm none too sure. Dr. Wright, I implore you to share your thoughts on this matter. 



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