As someone who wasn't around for #13Magnus I was surprised to see a familiar-looking symbol as I read through the...

As someone who wasn't around for #13Magnus   I was surprised to see a familiar-looking symbol as I read through the Niantic Project Files, Vol. 2. This is probably something fairly obvious to long time players, but I haven't seen anyone point it out yet. Is this simply the shape that these resurrection/simulacrum creation chambers must take at Magnus and Anti-Magnus nests, or is there more of a connection here? With the recovered intel indicating that Obsidius was searching for "Magnus" and the tie between this #Obsidian image, it seems like Obsidian might be sort of a "13Magnus Redux," if you will--a revisiting of the origins of the group and the establishment of their opposition to the N'Zeer, something that ultimately led Obsidius to create his Obsidian Shield which the two factions shall soon be fighting over.


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