
Showing posts from March, 2017

Of interest:

Of interest: [embed][/embed]

The Twelve Heavenly Generals

The Twelve Heavenly Generals Earlier today I stumbled on a display at the National Tokyo Museum that spoke to me about the current Magnus and Archetype situation. I took these photos to share with Operation Essex . I present what may be one of history's greatest Magnus groups and how their archetypes were defined. Edgar Allan Wright it is fascinating to see how they are aligned as types and how each general portrays the spirit behind the Archetype. I suspect each modern day named Archetype may have a corresponding icon as represented in the attached image. There are 12 generals who protect the 13th member, Yakushi, whom I would classify as the Omnipotent. Point of reference: H. Richard Loeb


Have been posted it seems that you have an integrated circuit? (It will be that ADA is a part of Klue sheltered and NWR will by any way or any camera ABADN?) Una teoría que siempre he tenido ¿donde esta Klue? La última aparición fue en Japón, y A.D.A. esta ahí. Es probable que ella (ADA) tenga dentro de sí algunos datos críticos de Klue, y mediante la NWR la traigan de vuelta. Jahan es probable que conozca o tenga acceso a una cámara ABADN, lo que haría que ella pueda ayudar a la NWR a recuperar a Klue. Recordemos que cuando Klue le pidió a ADA que se uniera, ADA mostró preocupación por Klue, así que no es ilógico pensar que ADA tenga un plan de emergencia para Klue /// A theory that I've always had where is Klue? The last occurrence was in Japan, and A. D. A. is there. It is likely that she (ADA) has within itself some critical data of Klue, and by the NWR the bring back. Jahan is likely to know or have access to a camera ABADN, what would she be able to help the NWR to recover t...

Scientists Hack a Human Cell and Reprogram It Like a Computer

Originally shared by WIRED Scientists Hack a Human Cell and Reprogram It Like a Computer [embed][/embed]

You know - I wonder whatever happened to Brandt's #Abolendam project?

You know - I wonder whatever happened to Brandt's #Abolendam project? and Edgar Allan Wright flint dille

Hola buen día disculpen se ha analizado la posibilidad de que los principales líderes religiosos actuales o del...

Hola buen día disculpen se ha analizado la posibilidad de que los principales líderes religiosos actuales o del pasado como los profetas no sean humanos, sino quizás una forma humana de un Shapper, N'zeer o una talladora, es decir como no sabemos como es su forma realmente, quizás ellos con la ayuda del XM lograron adaptarse a nuestra forma y envían su mensaje a través de ellos incluso dejan parte de su mensaje o de sus ritos en sus escritos como la Biblia, el Corán o algún otro texto antiguo o actual. ¿Que opinan? De antemano gracias.

What are the goals of the Shapers and N'zeer entities?

What are the goals of the Shapers and N'zeer entities? I don't have an answer to this question. I was hoping some of you could help formulate an answer.

Motivation for Klue's Appearance In Japan Revealed!

Motivation for Klue's Appearance In Japan Revealed! So upon the conclusion of #MagnusAwakens #FateOfThe13, I believe that we've been given the reason for Klue S. appearance in Fukuoka Japan. The archetype bound to A Detection Algorithm has manifested in that very city. As shown by:,130.40194&z=17&pll=33.595871,130.40194 Is this some sort of reunion for Klue S. and A Detection Algorithm on the other side of the portals? I am curious to see where we go from here agents! What do you think? #KlueLives Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke John Hanke flint dille Ethan Lepouttre Andrew Krug

Archetype shards are gathered at the target. Everyone of Investgator, please show me the images of the world.

Archetype shards are gathered at the target. Everyone of Investgator, please show me the images of the world.

Klue active in Japan!

Klue active in Japan! Thanks in great part to the reporting of OkinawaHiroT ENL, who is on the ground at the Mission day in Fukuoka, Japan. There were 8 dead-drops, and in a new turn of events... 2 of the 8 were 'fakes'. As shown, Klue S. seems to be active from the other side of the portals. But what I'm curious about is to why there were 2 fake dead-drops? Is Klue in Japan trying to do something with NL-PRIME? Is this related to NL-Primes addition of another venue? What do you think agents? And remember.. #KlueLives Edgar Allan Wright John Hanke Verity Seke Ethan Lepouttre Andrew Krug flint dille

Definitive Archetype to Researcher document

Definitive Archetype to Researcher document Having collected information for a while now from the investigation board and being patient. Here is the definitive Archetype to Researcher document. Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke John Hanke Andrew Krug Ethan Lepouttre

The results of the Glyph-Speed Hackathon

Originally shared by Andreas Decker (thedeacon1972) The results of the Glyph-Speed Hackathon First, let me thank all agents for their participation. A big shout-out for all those who took part, but didn't get enough entries in to qualify for the prices. Your entries are valueable, too. Let me start with the winners of each level category: Level 6: Metamorphis! Level 7: Arielsmurfeater! Level 8: Ishira! The price for the combined category goes to: MercuriusOcydis! And finally, the winner in the category for most entries is: SayoSenpai! All winners are required to send me an E-Mail with a postal address to which the price - one of my biocards- may be sent. Thank you all for making this such a great event!

Hank's Breadcrumbs Recovered and Suspected Sites

Hank's Breadcrumbs Recovered and Suspected Sites   26/36 (18 November 2015) Please assist in hacking for media drops. Possible drop sites are related to the works of the three Romantic poets, Percy, Mary and Byron, Kipling and other horror stories from the 19th century. -------------------------------------- Recovered Breadcrumbs 1. Shelley Keats Museum, Rome - Fate ( ) 2. Speakers' Corner, Hyde Park, London - Adonaïs ( ) 3. Ramses II, British Museum, London - Ozymandias ( ) 4. Burg Frankenstein, Germany - Frankenstein ( ) 5. Byron's Meadow, Lake Geneva, Switzerland - Villa Diodati ( ) 6. Castle Drachenfels ("dragon rock") - Königswinter, Germany ( ) 7. Radcliffe Camera, Oxford - location of old Bodleian Library where the original manuscripts of Frankenstein are stored ( ) 8. A portal in London (locat...

Dear fellow agents

Dear fellow agents, thank you for your participation in the Glyph-Speed Hackathon! As of now, I formally declare this competition finished. Entries are no longer possible. As promised, I´ll publish the glyph sequences along with the levels of the portals and the portal alignment,when given. The sequences are anonymized and they are not in chronological order. As a fervent supporter of free science, I allow everyone to use or copy this sequences for further studies. But don´t corrupt the data by changing anything! Here´s the link: The results of the competition will be announced during this week. I hope everybody had fun participating. Until next time, thedeacon1972

Hey Essex, I had a thought that I was hoping some of you could weigh in on.

Hey Essex, I had a thought that I was hoping some of you could weigh in on. After their victory at Via Lux, the New Wave Resistance were able to revive ADA. Could the New Wave Enlightened be working on a similar plan to manifest Jarvis in some form? With the Acolyte's capture of Tecthulu technology after Via Noir, and the possibility of a sweeping Enlightened victory in the Magnus shards, they could have the means to do so.

I was questioning "Why bother to keep the magnus' bodies alive?

I was questioning "Why bother to keep the magnus' bodies alive? on another thread, and I think I might be satisfied with this answer: "...long before we were conscious, thinking beings, our cells were reading data from the environment and working together to mould us into robust, self-sustaining agents. What we take as intelligence, then, is not simply about using symbols to represent the world as it objectively is. Rather, we only have the world as it is revealed to us, which is rooted in our evolved, embodied needs as an organism. Nature ‘has built the apparatus of rationality not just on top of the apparatus of biological regulation, but also from it and with it’, wrote the neuroscientist Antonio Damasio in Descartes’ Error (1994), his seminal book on cognition. In other words, we think with our whole body, not just with the brain." Perhaps, in recruiting adult bodies, the architects of the machine get a couple decades or more of biological expertise at sorting an...

I share the agent post Quantum Effect

I share the agent post Quantum Effect I find that reading the PRIME NL documents have much in similarity with the study made long ago about the dangers of prolonged exposure to constant xm. We should all take note of, and act, if necessary, accordingly. Originally shared by H. Richard Loeb Fresh intel about NL-PRIME, Akira Tsukasa's recruiting vehicle which utilizes high-intensity XM exposure in order to identify Sensitives, has come to the surface. This document is the only one I've been able to get a hold of -- but I've been told there… [embed][/embed]

The Glyph-Speed Hackathon

Originally shared by Andreas Decker (thedeacon1972) THE GLYPH-SPEED HACKATHON! To honor the first birthday of the Glyph-Journal, I´m hosting the first ever Glyph-Speed Hackathon. The event starts right now and ends at the same time as the "Glyphing Celebration". It´s a challenge for all hardcore glyphers out there! Get out there and glyph as many portals Lvl6 or higher as fast as possible. Then enter your agent name, the glyphs, the level of the portal, its alignment (not needed for the competiton, but nice to have) and your bonus percentage into the following survey: Each hack counts, because there are prices to be won! The agents with the highest average of bonus percentages in: 1.Lvl 6 glyph hacks 2.Lvl 7 glyph hacks 3. Lvl 8 glyph hacks 4. All glyph hacks combined will win one of my self designed biocards, as will the agent with the most glyph hacks entered. Remember that this is a friendly comp...

Lately when I open my scanner the audio is full of static and ADA seems to be lagging.

Lately when I open my scanner the audio is full of static and ADA seems to be lagging. Is this an issue with my device? a problem with the scanner network? interference from the new US administration and the NIA? or maybe a consequence of the ENL capturing an ADA Shard?

Was wondering if this was ever figured out here before my time.

Was wondering if this was ever figured out here before my time. Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa So my timehop informed me that two years ago I recorded the opening of my scanner and heard some voices. Considering voices in our scanners tend to mean something and I had never found out what the voices from before were, I decided to record them again today but this time with a screen recorder. The voices have yet to change, but I wonder if anyone else figured out what these voices are saying and what their importance may or may not be. You can listen to these voices by just shutting off your location and opening the scanner. If you don't touch your screen you should be able to just listen for awhile. It cycles through the voice prompts randomly along with some tech like sounds. Ingress​​ John Hanke​​ Edgar Allan Wright​​ flint dille​​ Andrew Krug​​ Linda Besh​​

On the naming of XM Artifacts, Catylists, Anomalies and WMDs

On the naming of XM Artifacts, Catylists, Anomalies and WMDs Like agent Ravidor pointed out, the name "techthulu" is a portmanteau of "technology" and "Cthulu", the great old one from Howard Lovecraft's horror mythos. I don't really care for it. As a biomedical scientist, I prefer descriptive names to eponyms, but they're hard to get rid of once they've become established. For example: you'll never replace Parkinson's with "rigid dyskinesia" or "paralysis agitans". Progress is being made, however. What was once "Mongolism" thankfully became known as "Down Syndrome" and is now known as Trisomy 21 in most clinical settings. A big part of science if nomenclature. People everywhere should be able to know something by name, not dependent on having read the Call of Cthulu to infer that the suffix "-thulu" this is something huge, alien, and evil. Recent information suggests that this thing...

This is from the Hank Johnson NOMAD mission in New Zealand.

This is from the Hank Johnson NOMAD mission in New Zealand. Originally shared by Shisca Russell Resistance just uncovered this in Christchurch Operation Essex Project Isthmus Hank Johnson Ingress

Klue back in Germany

Klue back in Germany As shown the the #FindTheKlue drops posted on 12 March 2017,10.147296&z=17&pll=54.348658,10.147549,10.132445&z=17&pll=54.323679,10.132445,10.15801&z=17&pll=54.315598,10.15801 Klue S. is capable of traveling great speeds in extremely short time periods. As the day prior, deaddrops appeared in the comic shop at the Transgress event! Was Klue S. bringing something to and from that location? Why Kiel, Germany? I think this proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Ultimate/Portal Network is also outside of our space as well. So one who is fully in tune with the Network would be able to fold space as well as time. I think this is one of the gained abilities that Klue S. used to neutralize Oliver Lynton-Wolfe 's techthulu What do you think agents? Thanks to Achim ...

The Glyph-Speed Hackathon

THE GLYPH-SPEED HACKATHON! To honor the first birthday of the Glyph-Journal, I´m hosting the first ever Glyph-Speed Hackathon. The event starts right now and ends at the same time as the "Glyphing Celebration". It´s a challenge for all hardcore glyphers out there! Get out there and glyph as many portals Lvl6 or higher as fast as possible. Then enter your agent name, the glyphs, the level of the portal, its alignment (not needed for the competiton, but nice to have) and your bonus percentage into the following survey: Each hack counts, because there are prices to be won! The agents with the highest average of bonus percentages in: 1.Lvl 6 glyph hacks 2.Lvl 7 glyph hacks 3. Lvl 8 glyph hacks 4. All glyph hacks combined will win one of my self designed biocards, as will the agent with the most glyph hacks entered. Remember that this is a friendly competition - please don´t cheat your way to the top. To...

Klue at the Transgress LA Event

Klue at the Transgress LA Event While most of the agents were busy at this exciting meet and greet. It seems that while flint dille was at this Comic shop, Klue S. was busy from the other side of the portals . Was she watching over the agents and flint dille? Was she responsible for getting the intel fragments that the agents put together? What ever her motivations were, the fact remains Klue S. was there in some form at that location as shown by the presence of several Klue biocards appeared, hidden through out the comic store What do you think agents? #KlueLives #FindTheKlue Edgar Allan Wright Verity Seke John Hanke Ethan Lepouttre Andrew Krug

Update from Transgress LA Event

Update from Transgress LA Event Agents on site were able to find this hidden in fragments that needed to be assembled within the Missions on site. Originally shared by Maribel del Valle (Maruland) Today at the missions in the Comic Event, we could get a very unique and interesting piece of information about Techtulu and their correlation with our entire history. Techtulu is not good or evil but it's just capable of extreme good of extreme evil, depending on the reasons that lead to its creation. I wonder what will happen after this shard event, will it lead to a techtulu that is capable of greatness! Let's hope so! Thanks to @Wond3rBread for sharing his findings and to @KokuryuuENL for helping assembling the picture. flint dille​ H. Richard Loeb​ Edgar Allan Wright​

Based on Achim S.

Based on Achim S. idea about shadows of archetypes combined with the idea that each archetype can contain a Tarot-like inverse, I have created a speculative list of the roles of each Magnus member. There is a nature to each Magnus role that can be expressed either in helping or hindering the goal of the Magnus, but I believe that at all times the member is doing their "job" in the group. But as Francis Bacon believed, genius is like speed- if going the wrong way, it simply means you are doing it faster. I believe I have seen examples of both types of behavior from all Magnus members. I will have to look up specific examples, but I'm sure as you read you will think of some too. I think the element that "reverses" a Magnus member's role is a belief that they direct the Magnus rather than its direction being something that affects all members. The difference between a karass and a granfaloon. A disharmonious Magnus tends toward reversal of its members' trai...


The Shadow Archetypes In each of us there is another whom we do not know. The task of midlife is not to look into the light, but to bring light into the darkness of our unknown self. This unknown or hidden self is described by jungian psychology as the shadow. This is the dark/hidden/unknown side of our personality. Unless you learn to face your own shadows, you will continue to see them in others, because the world outside you is only a reflection of the world inside you. To quote Miyamoto Musashi there is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to get better, stronger, richer, quicker or smarter. Everything is within. Everything exists. Seek nothing outside of yourself. Jung also believed that "in spite of its function as a reservoir for human darkness - or perhaps because of this - the shadow is the seat of creativity"; so that for some, it may be, 'the dark side of his being, his sinister shadow...represents the true spirit of life as against the arid sch...

Research Visit- NL-Prime in Nagoya

Research Visit- NL-Prime in Nagoya During the evening of Wednesday April 12th I will be boarding NL-Prime in Nagoya to conduct an extensive investigation. We know that Akira has interests with NL-Prime. What those interests are, what takes place during this “tour” and identifying the features of NL-Prime will be the focus of my investigation. I am also hoping to ask questions of the researchers who will be present on NL-Prime. (Assuming my mental faculties remain intact after the extreme XM exposure) If an interview is possible, either through video or afterwards written form, I will make the results known to the Operation Essex Community and Edgar Allan Wright. To that end- does anyone have any requests or questions that I can pose to the researchers? I’ll be over 8000Km away from home so I’m going to make this count. Thanks for any input, and thanks Mustafa Said for suggesting I post this here. Possible Questions: 1- Do the tests done here have any relation to NL-1331? 2- What a...

In May, there will be an event in the US ( in which only 12 agents (or...

In May, there will be an event in the US ( ) in which only 12 agents (or groups) can participate (Q) Why only 12? A) Niantic will have his own entry.) This, could lead me to think about the end of this anomaly. This anomaly will be won by the enlightened ones, which will lead to the enlightened ones want to change to 12 archetypes (the faction that dominates more than half of the fragments of each researcher can decide whether to change it or not (in a moment I upload the link ) It is highly probable that the 12 new archetypes (event of the United States) will come out of that event (I know, sounds illogical, but it could be), but one would be missing, that is the "Niantic will have its own entry" Being ADA the only (uniquely) unmodified archetype (since it is the "Omnicient") What do you think? (Edit: a possibility, is that they are 12 only, not necessarily because the enlightened ones do not want to change to ADA, may be, th...

Hello guys, has anyone received any messages (voice) when starting the scanner?

Hello guys, has anyone received any messages (voice) when starting the scanner? An agent who supports me with the investigation I reported that "I listen" a couple of messages, according to "the OLW voice is not similar to the one I listen to" He does not know English well, but from what I can understand he says something like "He's lost and needed help" and in a second "something I was looking for, but in the end he said I'll come back" Anyone know or heard something similar? Show you recent recordings (OLW) and previous ones (Jarvis) and comment that they are not similar. (and ADA) (Original in Spanish) ----------------------esp------------- Hola chicos, alguien ha recibido algun mensaje (de voz) al iniciar elescaner? Un agente que me apoya con la investigacion me reporto que "escucho" un par de mensajes, segun el "no es similar la voz de OLW a la que escuche" No sabe bien ingles, pero de lo que logro entender dice a...

(G+ Makes Re-sharing a re-share hard some times... please forgive the patch-work on this post!)

(G+ Makes Re-sharing a re-share hard some times... please forgive the patch-work on this post!) Copy/Paste from this post: Meltdown Comics Event - @LA on March 11, 2017 Agents, we've received a small bit of information from flint dille about the event that H. Richard Loeb has reported on. It's not a lot, but we've heard "some interesting Ingress things will be happening" at this time. Both Project Isthmus and the larger Operation Essex communities would benefit greatly from any on-site Investigating that can be done. If you are able to attend, PLEASE let us know! It is feasible that during this event remote Investigators will be able to be utilized and participate via chat. Because of this possibility we are repurposing a Telegram chat room that was originally established for the Meetup and Intel Mission on UC San Diego Campus ( ) for this Meltdown ... I've been thinking lately about how or even if XM interacts with the majority of (non-sensitive) human beings, and why cell phones and the "Ingress" interface have played such a large role in the global awareness of XM. My initial thoughts were "why do you have to be within short range of a portal, with a cell phone"? Presumably something about the cellphone can manipulate the portal. Cellphones operate at a much longer wavelength than would be able to affect a human on a cellular level (other than potentially cooking them, like microwaves). I was kind of stuck along this line of thinking but now I'm wondering if the process of observing XM is causing it to change its behavior, a la quantum physics. It's a good article, and easily readable. Physics isn't my forte, I'm a biomedical scientist but it has opened a new line of thinking about the interac...

If both, Stein Lightman [1] and Carrie Campbell [2], are bound to the archetype interpreter, which archetype won’t...

If both, Stein Lightman [1] and Carrie Campbell [2], are bound to the archetype interpreter, which archetype won’t be bound to any character? [1] [2] edit: PAC corrected his conclusion, Lightman being bound to intepreter archetype and changed it to spiritualist.

I think as this.

I think as this. Originally shared by GreyWagtail languAGEnt About the correspondence of 13 archetypes and 13 researchers 13アーキタイプと13名の研究者の対応について (日本語は後半にあります) #FateOfThe13 #Ingress PAC says "that was an assumption on my part", so it seems better to regard the correspondences between archetypes and researchers in the articles of Investigate Ingress as PAC guessing, not definite. The correspondences in NIA documents are likely to differ from those published in the Investigate Ingress. Here, I do not obey the announcement of PAC, and speculate on how the correspondence in the original NIA document was. Here are two policies. 1) Zeke Calvin collected talented persons corresponding to 13 archetypes in order to form Niantic Magnus. Calvin seems not to have applied 13 archetypes to the gathered personnel. Therefore, to decide the archetypes, it is better not to take account of the achievement after entering the Niantic project. For example, Lightman participated the Project as a ...