The mysterious glyph

The mysterious glyph

First I would like to note that this is not about the glyph “mystery,” this is about a mysterious glyph that showed up not once, but twice, in the Investigate Ingress blog written by H. Richard Loeb. This glyph first showed up on Oct. 28, 2016, then again Jan 6, 2016.

When it first appeared on the blog, it sent the Glyphers (Glyph Journal reporters) and much of Operation Essex into a frenzy. What is this glyph? What does it mean? Has anyone seen it before? Will we be seeing in the scanner soon? It was analyzed and scrutinized. Arguing whether the second showing of the glyph was the same as the first. Is it a mirror of the glyph “react,” is it it’s own glyph was it an uncompleted “together?”

Much to the great dismay of the Glyphers, these questions went unanswered.
Until it was found that H. Richard Loeb was going to be in DC for the September #MagnusReawakens anomaly.

I went to the hotel the morning of only to find that PAC had made his way to the park where the Xfac picture was to be taken. Glyph picture ready to show on my phone and headed straight toward PAC, and asked him. Both he and Hank Johnson looked at this glyph. Neither were too sure what it was, and I was asked to find him later in the day. I did. I even had the blog pages that these glyphs appeared on. After much scrutiny, and suggestions that the glyph could be a mirror or even a rotated glyph. PAC was more than certain that this glyph was “erode/deteriorate”

I took this back to the Glyphers and they…didn't like the answer. And I agree it seems oddly out of place within the sequences that it was shown: Capture, victory, erode? Abandon, fear, defend, future, erode? I guess in an odd way, these sequences make a little sense. Capture victory or fade into nothingness. Abandon fear and defend your future or you will have nothing.

Or maybe it’s something more simple. Maybe PAC didn’t get the speed bonus for the sequences because he didn’t close the “together” glyph.

flint dille
Edgar Allan Wright
Carrie Campbell
Stein Lightman
Ishira Tsubasa



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