Full transcript to the XM Festival Fukuoka Video released last night

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Full transcript to the XM Festival Fukuoka Video released last night

Below is the full English transcript that was asked for by a couple of agents. There is some parts that are hard to hear but i think i got most of it! Hope it helps agents! The two people talking are Akira Tsukasa and Hank Johnson

Akira: Tell me what you know about Epiphany Night

Hank: Akira what can i tell you that you don’t already know. Lyton-Wolfs powercube erupts, doses the Niantic Project with xm.

Akira: Everything that happened after that was because of that one moment. Caused by xm anomalies in another universe.

Hank: What?

Akira: There was always something unexplained about why Epiphany Night happened. You, me, the universe we know it, were just one in a series of dominos.

Hank: Dominos? Multiple Universes affecting each other?

Akira: Another Universe caused our Epiphany Night. We’re going to path the forward. (? cant hear well) The anomaly sequence the NIA researchers uncovered.

Hank: The four anomalies that span from 2018 to 2019.

Akira: Those arn’t our Anomalies. They belong to another universe, Ingress Prime.

Hank: I’m afraid you’re going to have to explain that one.

Akira: We created the original Ingress scanner. Used it to discover the forces that reached through it.

Hank: Like the Shapers and the N’zeer.

Akira: Yes. And they gave us the technology that we needed to create Ingress Prime.

Hank: So… Ingress Prime will grant access to a new universe.
Akira; Over the course of a single year. Cassandra, Recursion, Darsana, Abaddon.

Hank: Well that’s history we’ve lived.

Akira: Agents in the next universe will too. And redefine it. Their actions may make a difference.

Hank: And then what?

Akira: That universe fate will be determined. The Enlightened or Resistance will win control of its destiny forever.

Hank: sigh Ok, send me all your research. I need to dive deep. File this one under code name Osiris.

Ingress John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright Operation Essex Project Isthmus Project Lycaeum flint dille H. Richard Loeb Hank Johnson

Thank you
to the agents
For providing the videos for this transcript!

#ingress #passagetoOsiris


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