Please take a moment to welcome our new investigators.
Please take a moment to welcome our new investigators. Operation: Essex is now over 500 agents strong! We have some points of discussion to pursue now that #Interitus has concluded. This post will be pinned for easy reference to these important topics.
1. The Mare Glyph that Stein Lightman posted. How does it compare to what we know, and what could it mean?
2. The Resistance have won #Interitus , and Nigel Moyer was seen in a video making a future with AI sound like a new Renaissance for mankind. What evidence do we have to as to the pros and cons of this scenario?
3. Roland Jarvis has shared a new finding that has an effect on "Our Friends." What will this mean for agents in the near future?
4. Devra Bogdanovich has made an announcement. What will this mean for XM and the world of #Ingress ?
5. We've seen a lot from #Nemesis and Verum Inveniri. Can you piece the puzzle together?
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