Based on all the contradictory messages I've been seeing from the same portals (pursue conflict advance war, vs.

Based on all the contradictory messages I've been seeing from the same portals (pursue conflict advance war, vs. strong together avoid war), I have to assume this is indeed Carrie Campbell's proposed double-blind study. This leads me to wonder what, exactly, is being tested.

I've gotten things like "avoid XM message lie" and "shapers chaos pure harm" from a long-standing Enlightened P7 on multiple occasions, along with pro-Enlightenment messages so thick with propaganda that no one would believe the sender genuinely meant it. I have likewise gotten several strongly pro-Shaper messages from Resistance portals, and messages that had nothing to do with the Shapers directly but were very similar in theme to the the Jarvis messages.

I propose that one of the following scenarios is likely to be true: The scanner intentionally displays a different message then what the portal is broadcasting approximately 50% of the time, perhaps to test our reactions and check against placebo effect, OR both factions' portals actually resonate with such a chaotic assortment of messages is that there is no functional difference between the alignments after all.


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