This is from the Operation Essex Chat earlier today.

This is from the Operation Essex Chat earlier today. Wanted to make sure to note it with the other information being released today  - perhaps there is more to the map Schubert released than the upcoming anomaly sites. 

Mezazoic [[Mesozoic]] drift and moving shadows... These were essential to the study. I just don't remember why. Eponymous urbanization... Assembling now
Just got that from wright. Go figure. I think it is part of his systems and counter systems theory.
flint • 1:40 PM


Its now pretty obvious what Wright was talking about.  The Niantic Project page could use some Essexian Wisdom.  

I'm trying to think of what is most incongruous about Pangaia (however it is spelled).  Maybe northwest Africa being contiguous with the atlantic seaboard.

And there's got to be life under the ice in Antarctica.


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