flint dille asked the following in the Essex chat - "And who do we think the voice at the end of the Ingress Report...

flint dille asked the following in the Essex chat - "And who do we think the voice at the end of the Ingress Report was. The obvious choice was Owens, but he doesn't seem to disguise his voice often.  Nor would he have to in my opinion. Everybody knows he's got some kind of a relationship with Susanna."

here are some of the thoughts.  What other thoughts are there? Which do you like best?


And who do we think the voice at the end of the Ingress Report was. The obvious choice was Owens, but he doesn't seem to disguise his voice often.  Nor would he have to in my opinion. Everybody knows he's got some kind of a relationship with Susanna.
flint • 11:19 AM

Hank? Calvin?
Yik Sheng • 11:20 AM

I figured if Susanna was calling from an unsecured line the system would do that automatically
but she certainly could be playing multiple sides
she has an association with 855, and may well have met Bowles during their time together
she could I'd think Calvin more likely than Hank, but she may also be tied up withthe darker elements of NIA (ie phillips)
Visur or non-nia govt (dasher et al) are possible, but they'd be a bit left field given known connections
Mike • 11:24 AM
She's required to lie to protect her front. Her story has been that of finding the truth about XM and its danger to warn people about it. What if all these are a lie? Who would want this to be hidden?
Does it mean that she does not care about the dangers of XM and she wants everyone to leave it so that she can have it all for herself or for whoever she's working with?
Could that voice be of Nigel Moyer?
Yik Sheng • 11:28 AM
nigel would be interesting. 
Mike • 11:38 AM
Yeah. There are a lot of candidates. 
flint • 11:38 AM
Doesn't NIA seems like the party that wants to conceal the truth? 
Sherrie • 11:42 AM
It would be interesting to know if there is any legal authority investigating Susanna for the murder. And why would the Cleaners have dumped the body where it could be foudn.
flint • 11:42 AM
lots of parties want t oconceal the truth, it's just different things they want to keep hidden
Mike • 11:42 AM
It the body a decoy? to distract us?  
Sherrie • 11:43 AM
The NIA has its own issues from what I can tell. Owen and Phillips seem to have both gone rogue taking the organization in different directions.
Gone rogue might be too extreme.
flint • 11:43 AM
Owen double crossed Susanna?
By revealing the body?
Yik Sheng • 11:44 AM
did they leave evidence pointing to someone else?  Susanna's name didn't come up in the report I read
Mike • 11:44 AM
Yeah. Maybe they're starting a mob war or something.
flint • 11:45 AM
Or did Owen leave the body to dissuade the market?
Yik Sheng • 11:45 AM
a closed case with a known repeat offender raises fewer questions than an ongoing missing person search
Mike • 11:45 AM
Or a deeper strategy by Owen to force Susanna to reveal who is working with her in the shadows? The voice who told her to lie.
Yik Sheng • 11:46 AM
or the call to owen for the cleaners was part of the coverup.  we're picking the story up in media res and making a lot of assumptions about how the mobster wound up playing the role of Mr. Body.
in which case the voice would have been before the call to Owen and would have been implicated in the initial killing setup.
Mike • 11:49 AM
So you think Owen took out the hit on Susanna, assumed she would defeat the threat and then need the cleaners, thus owe him one.  Interesting theory. Not sure I buy it, but I'm not sure I have a better one.
flint • 11:53 AM
to make it work we'd have to assume Owen knows Susanna is getting other help and wants to try and flush her new backers out
just as likely the new backer wants susanna to try and go in from the cold as a double agent
with the implication that there's a disguised voice recommending her next move it no longer looks like she's trying to play the independent operator role a la Hank
Mike • 11:56 AM
But will she follow the voice and lie?
Sherrie • 11:58 AM
Reporters always have a weird challenge. They have to get information from people and have contacts or they are isolated. She needs the NIA to do her job, they need her because she's a fact gatherer and thus is helpful to them.  Presumably she has enlightened contacts -- obviusly OLW, but they're just less showy.
flint • 11:58 AM
Sherrie, would we notice?  
Mike • 11:58 AM
LOL. Just to know how much danger she will be in if she didn't XD 
Sherrie • 11:59 AM
Oliver is an obvious choice
Yik Sheng • 12:00 PM
She definitely has a harder job than PAC in that she's looking for public statements rather than revealing clandestine drops
Mike • 12:00 PM
Maybe she's not the independent reporter that she portrays herself to be. She built that reputation and gained support, but maybe that's just a facade, a show
Yik Sheng • 12:01 PM
It's hard to think of a lot of actual breaks she's managed to reveal, though.  It's mostly press releases from the arms makers (tech update N does X, anomaly A seems to result in Z) and confessional statements (see how much the man doesn't like me, I'm on the run)
Despite the outsider posture, she's pretty much the voice of the establishment, which makes a lot of IR make more sense to me now that I type it out
Mike • 12:02 PM
And this murder has weakened her, and despite her wanting Owen to cover it up, she was exposed again and her reputation in tatters
Yik Sheng • 12:03 PM
killing a hitter doesn't put her in any worse spot than she's been in all along.  There must be more about the nature of the killing or events leading up to it
ADA's upgrades of Klue?
which would mean the disguised voice would be ADA
and the assumption that it was Owen would have been intentional on ADA"s part to deflect attention
Mike • 12:05 PM
She would not need a cleaner if killing an assassin is not an issue
Yik Sheng • 12:05 PM
she still doesn't want to go to jail.  Cleaners keep the mundane authorities off her trail
Mike • 12:05 PM
There's another scenario. The whole thing is a frame. There's a leak there's a hit-man after her. Then a Leak about a body found. Then there's a leak about her contacting the NIA for cleaners.
There's no direct testimony she actualy killed anyone.
Eran • 12:07 PM
But she implied in public she did it. So it's strange
Yik Sheng • 12:07 PM
but the body had nothing to do with the contracted hit.  that could be.
Mike • 12:07 PM
She found a body in a (her?) hotel room.
Wasn't it the body of a known hitman? The whole thing amy have been planned to get rid of the hitman and tarnish her publicly. Hit two birds on one stone.
Eran • 12:09 PM
we're making assumptions again.  A body needed cleaning.  A body was found in the desert.  Could the NIA have found and killed a random scumbag so nobody would know they cleaned up a body whose condition would have triggered suspicion?
Mike • 12:10 PM
Has there been confirmation that the body is not Hank Johnson.
flint • 12:12 PM
Yes, many possibilities. But I think Susanna was feeling proud that she took out the hitman. Whether the body was the actual hitman she killed is not certain.
the body in the news report was identified as a local.  IF it was the hotel body then there's confirmation it ain't hank
big if
 Mike Wissinger
Flint, no confirmation but if the hitman body story is meant to dispose off Hank, then they did a really good job. A tragedy if true
Hank perhaps is the only independent investigator left
Yik Sheng • 12:16 PM
and he was last seen on another continent
Mike • 12:17 PM
Yes, I certainly don't hope it's him
Yik Sheng • 12:19 PM
Yeah.  I'm worried about P.a. Chapeau. Is he hiding out? Has he re-entered in disguise?  Did he ever leave? Was he offed and we don't know it?
flint • 12:19 PM
there was an interesting conversation here this week about whether Verity might be an expert system he whipped up before he disappeared.
Mike • 12:20 PM
Yik Sheng Lee
Or is he guiding Susanna in the shadows?
Yik Sheng • 12:20 PM
Mike Wissinger
not a full AI like ADA but enough to do the job within specific parameters
Mike • 12:20 PM
Could the voice have been P.a.?
flint • 12:20 PM
Yes, that's a possibility
Yik Sheng • 12:21 PM
if he's still around I suppsse it could be.  
Mike • 12:21 PM


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