Credit goes to Daniel van Os for discovering "alorazon", Avril Lorazon as the name behind the hit order.

Credit goes to Daniel van Os for discovering "alorazon", Avril Lorazon as the name behind the hit order.

Originally shared by Niantic Project

Hidden inside the new music released by enoch dalby yesterday was a warning to the Enlightened explorer, Hank Johnson.

Within the spectrograph of one of the individual tracks, an encoded URL led to this document. Read between the lines, and you'll see that someone, and I think I know who, is playing a dangerous game with one of the most important XM researchers around.

Who's behind this, and why? Why does Hank Johnson represent a threat and why go to such extreme measures to stop him? What do you think the fallout of this will be?

A passcode to those who enrich our conversation with meaningful insights, speculation and references.



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