Sorry for the extended absence from this community, I've glyph hacked an ENL P8 earlier today and thought you would...

Sorry for the extended absence from this community, I've glyph hacked an ENL P8 earlier today and thought you would all appreciate the messages I received, I didn't have a chance to screenshot them but I can assure you they are accurate (I was using Google Keep to note them down):

1. Repair soul less human harm
2. Contemplate future not shapers path
3. Imperfect truth accept complex answer
4. Portal improve human future civilization
5. Defend human civilization XM message
6. Pursue conflict advance war chaos
7. Escape body journey outside present

Unfortunately this was all I can get before a RES response team took down the lone L8 portal I was doing my research with, I guess they didn't want me finding out more information.


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