This relates to my post yesterday about the Red Leader and Klue's Blue eyes.

This relates to my post yesterday about the Red Leader and Klue's Blue eyes.  PAC knows way more about ADA then I think we're willing to give him credit for.  Part of me feels like he's a potential puppet master, controlling ADA to control Klue.  He and Klue have worked together previously.  He knows Klue's personality and how she would react to different things.  

In writing this I'm starting to wonder if PAC is trying to achieve, thorough Klue and ADA, the immortality that has been discussed recently.  The relationship between he and ADA is interesting.  We have discussed how he potentially used this as a way to put ADA in a real person so he could continue the relationship.

Originally shared by Drew Dondero

I can't help but think there's some clue about the glyphs in this video. Since Carrie "died," she and PA have been off the grid. PA knows a lot about ADA. I wonder if they're behind what's happening here. 

What is the "really big favor" that Carrie asked for?



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