Exo5 Ingress Prime glyph sequence

Exo5 Ingress Prime glyph sequence

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Exo Prime Glyphs

After playing this video over and over I was finally able to grab all the Glyphs that quickly passed on the screen and confirm they are in fact the same Glyphs A Detection Algorithm​ gave to us in her first Exo5 video to the agents.

Distance/outside intelligence change technology

It makes me suspect that Ada and possibly Ben have worked together on this device that was given to H. Richard Loeb​. Or at least that Ada's connection to Exogenous will lead to the technology of scanner 2.0.... Either way, I do not believe it is a coincidence that the same Glyphs were used.

Ingress prime video - https://youtu.be/sJRX8E-Yy3o
Ada video - https://youtu.be/4oO9bshFMQo

Ingress​ John Hanke​ Edgar Allan Wright​ Andrew Krug​ Chiplander​ +Flint dille #glyphstudies Operation Essex​


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