Wait im going to make a huge prediction being its obvious everyone's seeing this all wrong the glyphs are encryption.
Wait im going to make a huge prediction being its obvious everyone's seeing this all wrong the glyphs are encryption. That we are to know but not place into the portal network at all i just realized that. See the death of ez was in the same as Jarvis so the circle of life and death. So therefore symbolically speaking. And 5 shots if taken into the geometric design gives u a pentragram if all five points connect in a circular fashion ...... Which to make the petragram u need five triangles. As the pentragram signifies unity and spiritual influences ... Sorry I'm researching my mind as it i type or theorizing as I go here. Which makes sense as well ... The Magnus. Was shown as a circle sorta with 13 containers. Which ,;;again im jus getting vision or Intel as im typing so sorry if I gotten off track or point but 13 containers===8directions+5 remaining again reference to the five points and meanings of the petragram ... Best yet all this is ""MY RESEARCH THOUGHT ON THE SPOT"" and I think I just solved the entire thing. And I will not disclose further Intel of my realization until the acolyte. Graces me with here presense and that of Jarvis as well. Chap and hank. As for you to you both have questions to answer as well and any silence of this or avoiding only means that my conclusion. Is correct .. No body should enter glyphs into the portal network from both sides take my word for it.
Don't y'all see results or enl it don't matter the glyphs are for use to know and learn but not to submit ,hint the meaning to all art we see that draws up the xm ..and influences us well why do we look to the past and try to unravel its clear we created art to remind us not to give in to outer influences but to keep out of those influences hands. .. We all know xm affects all things thus syncronicity of our reality. Are not matching effecting the world around us .. So Ada (outer influence) wants us to enable this encryption to decipher our art . and release false freedoms as well as Jarvis. The acolyte and all others. Thus the reason for the shards being a compressed data encyprition and when collected gives Ada and all others. The keys to what they are searching for and that's is"what's niantic?" Its our mindset (dataset) think of it this way dataset stands in thus. As scanner and our mind. Both holders of data. Sorry for this long and badly written. Post but I've solved the entire reasoning for all this. I can break it down to everything action and reason for everything now I've become further enlighten but that's not the point we are to know the glyphs and meaning between one another and place it into our art and world around us. But keeping it. Outt of alllllllll outter forces trying to understand this ........ Bammmm... I got so much Intel flowing g thru my head right now its like a door was blown open .... Ask anything if u wanna know or how I came to all this and more if not I'm going into hiding.
Don't y'all see results or enl it don't matter the glyphs are for use to know and learn but not to submit ,hint the meaning to all art we see that draws up the xm ..and influences us well why do we look to the past and try to unravel its clear we created art to remind us not to give in to outer influences but to keep out of those influences hands. .. We all know xm affects all things thus syncronicity of our reality. Are not matching effecting the world around us .. So Ada (outer influence) wants us to enable this encryption to decipher our art . and release false freedoms as well as Jarvis. The acolyte and all others. Thus the reason for the shards being a compressed data encyprition and when collected gives Ada and all others. The keys to what they are searching for and that's is"what's niantic?" Its our mindset (dataset) think of it this way dataset stands in thus. As scanner and our mind. Both holders of data. Sorry for this long and badly written. Post but I've solved the entire reasoning for all this. I can break it down to everything action and reason for everything now I've become further enlighten but that's not the point we are to know the glyphs and meaning between one another and place it into our art and world around us. But keeping it. Outt of alllllllll outter forces trying to understand this ........ Bammmm... I got so much Intel flowing g thru my head right now its like a door was blown open .... Ask anything if u wanna know or how I came to all this and more if not I'm going into hiding.
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