After spending some time, I think I have identified the Glyphs that have emerged from Portals related to Stein...

After spending some time, I think I have identified the Glyphs that have emerged from Portals related to Stein Lightman and the Shards of him that Agents worldwide are battling to control during #Persepolis . 

Please be aware of the fact that I am no Glyph Expert by any means and that these are simply my interpretations of the Glyph identifications. I may be wrong and if so please correct me with the proper meaning for any mistakes I have made. I am deeply sorry if a mistake emerges. 

I would like to thank Paul Fritschle for bringing the Glyphs to my attention and Daniel Beaudoin for the Glyphtionary I used in translation of the sequence. 

As to the potential meaning of the Sequence, I am at a loss. I hope that assistance from the community will help develop as clear of a interpretation as possible as to the sequence's meaning. 

Glyph 1: Meaning: Me, myself 
Glyph 2: Meaning: Change
Glyph 3: Meaning: Potential 
Glyph 4: Meaning: Discover
Glyph 5: Meaning: Portal 
Glyph 6: Meaning: Other, You
Glyph 7: Meaning: Use
Glyph 8: Meaning: Civilization 
Glyph 9: Meaning: Knowledge
Glyph 10: Meaning: Together.  


In the name of the truth, I release this information. I can only hope it serves our journey well. 



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