I was thinking about the glyphs and the way they are layed out.

I was thinking about the glyphs and the way they are layed out... I calculated there are 3628795 diffrent possible line combinations, therefore 3628795 diffrent possible glyphs (the number goes down if you put the limit that each glyph must be one shape, so 2 parreler lines don't count as a glyph. But the fact we haven't seen any yet doesn't mean they don't exist. Aniways my point is there are TONS of glyphs) and I assume that many of these combinations are actual glyphs used by the shapers.
With so many words I find it hard to belive they remember each and every one of them. So I came with my theory: The shapers have diffrent "line combinations" (it can be one or more lines that appear together in a glyph) that, when appear in a glyph, adds a "factor" to the glyph. When you take all the combinations and put them together you get the full word behind a glyph (kind of like taking eggs, flour, sugar and water, putting them all in one bowl and making dough.) We can see that the words "all" appears in "clear all" (so perhaps a straight line in the middle mean clear?) and "open all" (with open)
With that theory in mind I began looking for possible combinations in glyphs.
The first one I found in various glyphs was 2 vertical parreler lines in the inner rectangle in the calibration grid. This combo appears in the folowing glyphs:
Can you see the common factor in all these? Glyphs 1, 2 and 4 all refer to some kind of a group (shapers, humans, generally any species who became civilized). When  I added again/repeat to the equation I had to find a larger common factor. I came up with "Common factor". All shapers are shapers. All humans are humans. All repeated things are the same. All the members of a civilization have a common factor that brings them together (Usually species but technically multi-species civilizations can exist, there must be something else that brings them together). It also makes sense graphically, as the 2 lines are identical, only their location is diffrent. The glyphs "together" and the lately discovered "we/us" doesn't have this combination though (It was surprising but you could argue and say that people with no common factor can still be in together, each for his own purposes. Also one can refer to himself and others that are together with him without having any common factor with them other than being together with them, which, as I just said, doesn't require a common factor)

Glyphs with only the right line of the 2 all spoke about virtues (exept for "no". I still look for a way to find a bigger common factor, yet not too big.)
Glyphs with only the left line of the 2 were decided into 2 groups: The earlyer glyphs to be discovered were verbs that had something to do with motion - Either towards something (seek and chase) or away from it (escape). Whith courage and idea added to the equation I... Well I have no idea. That's where my train of thoughts stopped.

Aniways once my train went off-rail and crashed I took what I belive I found and tried to use this logic to find new glyphs by combining the "common factor" with existing glyphs.

-Common factor+peace=?unity (the glyph looks like a crystal of some sort. Makes sense, as crystals are made out of particles that are united with strong bonds)
--Unity+attack/war=?Army (Again it looks promising, as the new glyph looks like an arrow head)
-Die+common factor=?massacure (the shape means nothing to me. perhaps someone can come with an explenation to that one or another translation)
-change/modify+common factor=?copy (It makes sense to me graphically but I can't really explain it)
-Portal+Common factor=link/field (probably field. It looks like a field to me)

So what do you think guys? Am I onto something or are these similar combinations are simply a coincidence? I'd really love to hear your feedback!
Also do you think you have found other combinations? If you did post them in the comments!


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