α "I am the Alpha and Omega...the beginning and the end."
α "I am the Alpha and Omega...the beginning and the end."
(From a book called Revelation 21:6, 22:13)
After lengthy analyses with Melissa, Martin Winz and JpLolo jplolo, we believe multiple readings of the typeface (and hidden faces) in this sigil revolve around the concept we know best as rebirth or #Recursion
This multi-dimensional perspective of the α gives us an idea about how it was created. If one is to trace the symbol, they might feel that it is incomplete, as if it were destined to manifest itself infinitely as ∞ - an unending cycle. Ouroboros, Jormundgandr and the Tree of Life sacred geometry have been research points for investigators, of late.
Are there other entities or concepts that might help us understand this form?
There was at least one previous occurrence of the omega symbol in a post by H. Richard Loeb http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/10/18/this-is-vianoir/ Encoded into a curious part of the message:
Was Susanna Moyer_ on the trail of the __#Tecthulhu__ ? εηοζοφσζοφσ __Ω__ ζοφσυθσεεζοφσσω_
Maribel del Valle presented a document that was recovered with help from dozens of agents on a trail that led to a document detailing a cycle. http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/10/24/the-cycle/
If the document is to be taken at face-value, Susanna Moyer entered a cabin in the Enlightened compound in North California and witnessed some kind of summoning involving Roland Jarvis Klue S. and #TheAcolyte
Diving deeper with this ΑΩ paradoxon, the only cryptic match is _ A n Ω minous Message_ - the reguerdon from the Project Isthmus #NOIR operation in New York that Daniel van Os generously shared with all agents, regardless of alignment. http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/11/07/an-ominous-message/
Could the source of these #IAm affirmations be Roland Jarvis (or the entity we previously knew him as)?
The sentiment echos the manifesto that was distributed at the end of #13MAGNUS in San Francisco at the end of #IngressYear1
The rhetoric and lexicon are also very similar to the announcement statement of the Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ugow4b1pQLI
With Roland Jarvis seemingly-gone, though, the closest voice resembling this rhetoric is that of Oliver Lynton-Wolfe. Some believe he was always unstable but before the events of #13MAGNUS he claimed that agents could stop the impostor or puppet Enlightened leader Roland Jarvis then after the rebirth, Oliver Lynton-Wolfe appeared to have fallen under some kind of mind-control or external influence greater than his own will. He went from vocal dissent to reciting the manifesto standing side-by-side with Roland Jarvis. In the videos he recorded during the #ViaNoir anomaly, he seemed to have taken the shape of something almost alien ...
On the eve of #IngressYear4 is this really the future of humanity?
Thank you to Knyteshadeaux Robb Sisson for sharing this illuminating symbol cross-faction in the investigative communities.
Operation Essex Project Isthmus
Edgar Allan Wright Matt Stevenson
Originally shared by Society for the Ethical Treatment of AIs
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