Continuing the studies on the destiny sequences :)

Continuing the studies on the destiny sequences :)

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

It took a bit to do this as life snuck up on me but here we go

Lvl 8 Sequence Glyph Destiny Study

Rebel Thought Evolution Destiny Now

Secondary Glyphs

Potential, Ignore, Destroy, Simple, Stay/Stability, Gain, Lie, Improve, Intelligence, Less, New, Old, Past, Now/Present, Breathe/Live, Barrier, Pursue/Chaos, Failure, Forget , Future, Consequence, More, Have, Truth, Difficult, Pure, Die, Help, Separate, Technology, Easy, Deteriorate, Imperfect, After, Before, Civilization

With destiny we tend to get a lot of mirrored glyphs, which I think is very representative of the glyph itself and it's meaning. So I will try to not talk too much about those unless I feel they need to be talked about.

When we talk about a Rebel or the act of rebelling I think in glyphs it's largely misunderstood. This sequence is one that I feel represents the glyph more than most sequence. Rebelling doesn't always have to be an action but rather an idea or thought. One that isn't accepted and that our society puts barriers up against in efforts for us to ignore or forget that it ever existed. One filled with an intelligence that has mostly deteriorated or died in our civilization as it's one that sees the consequences of actions and decides to separate from what is considered normal. To separate from others influences and lies to breathe or live in their own truths.

The sequence definitely has a large influence of time glyphs within it. Past, present/now, future, old and new along with now before and after form the largest parts of this sequence glyph and I think that it represents how rebelling has been throughout our history and this will greatly influence any destiny we pick for ourselves. Once again though, I feel as if the destiny it speaks about is not one that most believe it is, one that we are conditioned to go after. No I think destiny has much more in store for us.

I could go on about this sequence but for the time I'm leaving it short and sweet, a shock I know. I still have many more to do and a large post that will cover all of the destiny sequences and hopefully bring more clarification to them all. Thankyou again for reading and remember… continue glyphing my friends.

Ingress​ H. Richard Loeb​ John Hanke​ Edgar Allan Wright​ #glyphstudies


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