Glyph Analysis "Perspective"
Originally shared by Andreas Decker (thedeacon1972)
Glyph Analysis "Perspective"
Dear fellow agents,
one of the new glyphs which appeared in the scanner not long ago caught my attention. Pondering over it for a while, I had some insights into the deeper meaning of this glyph I´d like to share with you. It´s about a topic which comes up often in Ingress or as others would say, it´s all a matter of "Perspective".
As a start, I´d like to point out that there are a number of glyphs which we draw automatically when we draw "Perspective". With reference to the glyph experts Achim S. and Ishira Tsubasa I like to call them 2nd level glyphs. In no particular order, these are:
- Forget
- Ignore
- Die
- Harm
- See
- More
- Less
At first sight, most of these glyphs have a dark or negative ring to it. But if we examine them closely and combine them, we see that this is not always so.
Obvious to see is the combination "Forget" + "Harm" = "Perspective". For the first time, we do now come across the recurring theme inside this glyph. It´s "duality".Why? Because it´s a matter of perspective how to interpret this. One can say that it is harmful to forget a perspective - that would be a reminder to always keep looking at the big picture.Or one can say that given a better perspective, humans are able to forget the harm they suffer to reach it - therefore showing one of our best qualities.
A clear example of duality is shown at the center of the glyph, where "more" and "less" form the middle, or as I have come to say, the "heart" of this glyph. Given the same topic, people can be more or less interested in it - for them, it´s a matter of perspective.
The basis of the glyph "Perspective" is actually the glyph "Die". Even here, we can see a duality. For some of us, that means that there is a perspective after death - a well-known theme inside Ingress history, but also for religious people one of the main reasons to live. But "Die" is also made up of other glyphs - "Forget", "More" and "Ignore".Again, we see the choice that is given in the interpretation of this: Is it the perspective that dies, because it is forgotten and ignored more and more? Or are we humans able to forget and ignore death more and more in sight of a better perspective?
Going away from the aspect of duality, I may have been able to find and name an unknown glyph: If we remove the basis "Die" from "Perspective", we are left with the upper part of the glyph for "Peace/Harmony". This is a combination of "See", "Less" and the mirrored image of "See", a glyph that is unknown at this point. Since mirrored glyphs are mostly the antonyms of their originals in the shapers language my assumption is that we have the glyph for "Reject" here. Why "Reject" and not "Blind" or "Blindness"? One of the new messages in the scanner is "SEE TRUTH SEE FUTURE BEGIN". This shows that "SEE" does not actually stand for the act of seeing, but for to recognize or to acknowledge. The antonym of this is to reject.
Still, the primary theme of the glyph "Perspective" is duality. With its influence on our subconscious, "Perspective" leads us to not only see our point of view, but makes us consider other possible meaning(s), too.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Until a possible next time! thedeacon1972
Glyph Analysis "Perspective"
Dear fellow agents,
one of the new glyphs which appeared in the scanner not long ago caught my attention. Pondering over it for a while, I had some insights into the deeper meaning of this glyph I´d like to share with you. It´s about a topic which comes up often in Ingress or as others would say, it´s all a matter of "Perspective".
As a start, I´d like to point out that there are a number of glyphs which we draw automatically when we draw "Perspective". With reference to the glyph experts Achim S. and Ishira Tsubasa I like to call them 2nd level glyphs. In no particular order, these are:
- Forget
- Ignore
- Die
- Harm
- See
- More
- Less
At first sight, most of these glyphs have a dark or negative ring to it. But if we examine them closely and combine them, we see that this is not always so.
Obvious to see is the combination "Forget" + "Harm" = "Perspective". For the first time, we do now come across the recurring theme inside this glyph. It´s "duality".Why? Because it´s a matter of perspective how to interpret this. One can say that it is harmful to forget a perspective - that would be a reminder to always keep looking at the big picture.Or one can say that given a better perspective, humans are able to forget the harm they suffer to reach it - therefore showing one of our best qualities.
A clear example of duality is shown at the center of the glyph, where "more" and "less" form the middle, or as I have come to say, the "heart" of this glyph. Given the same topic, people can be more or less interested in it - for them, it´s a matter of perspective.
The basis of the glyph "Perspective" is actually the glyph "Die". Even here, we can see a duality. For some of us, that means that there is a perspective after death - a well-known theme inside Ingress history, but also for religious people one of the main reasons to live. But "Die" is also made up of other glyphs - "Forget", "More" and "Ignore".Again, we see the choice that is given in the interpretation of this: Is it the perspective that dies, because it is forgotten and ignored more and more? Or are we humans able to forget and ignore death more and more in sight of a better perspective?
Going away from the aspect of duality, I may have been able to find and name an unknown glyph: If we remove the basis "Die" from "Perspective", we are left with the upper part of the glyph for "Peace/Harmony". This is a combination of "See", "Less" and the mirrored image of "See", a glyph that is unknown at this point. Since mirrored glyphs are mostly the antonyms of their originals in the shapers language my assumption is that we have the glyph for "Reject" here. Why "Reject" and not "Blind" or "Blindness"? One of the new messages in the scanner is "SEE TRUTH SEE FUTURE BEGIN". This shows that "SEE" does not actually stand for the act of seeing, but for to recognize or to acknowledge. The antonym of this is to reject.
Still, the primary theme of the glyph "Perspective" is duality. With its influence on our subconscious, "Perspective" leads us to not only see our point of view, but makes us consider other possible meaning(s), too.
I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing this. Until a possible next time! thedeacon1972
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