Let me show you the waves and the water...

Let me show you the waves and the water...

One of the Acolyte’s favorite phrases is, “You see the waves, I see the water”.. But what does she really mean by that?

One aspect of Roland Jarvis and the Acolyte is that they always talked in metaphors in relation to “The Ultimate” and of the Shapers. Leaving their meanings veiled and for those who think with abstract minds.

What this metaphor has come to mean to me is something that I’ve slowly developed in my conversations with other investigators; what I’ve coined “The Beach Metaphor” in regards to talking about the statement “You see the waves, I see the water”. Where I think of it as a beach, complete with tide pools (Anomalous zones), different unique features along the beach (Different spots in time), lovely waves (everyone interacting with it), and the water itself (The ‘Ultimate’).

Anomalous Zones
I think of Anomalous zones as tides pools you would find along a beach. They’re only accessible by the water during specific times of the day; during high tide; and often contain features that are unique to that specific tide pool but are made of things from the open ocean. You’d come across a few crabs, maybe some fish, and assorted sea plants.Their very own little microcosm. They look like they’re trapped in this tide pool upon first glance, but a deeper look reveals an opposite truth to this. When the high tide comes new things are occasionally thrown into the mix, and the water itself is refreshed, during these key times, the tide pools are connected again.

Different spots in time
Time lines I think of as the different curves, inlets, near private coves, and generalized features of the beach. You could have a wave coming into an inlet, you have the same wave reaching opposite sides of the cove at the same moment. One side of the inlet could represent the period in time which Alexander the Great roamed across Europe, while the other end of the inlet could represent when Hank Johnson was checking out the cave in Afghanistan. They’re different spots in the inlet, but the same wave is reaching both of these spots at the same moment. In a conversation that I had with Achim S.  explaining about time and “The Beach Metaphor”, I told him that he could be walking North to South along the beach, while at the same moment, I would be walking South to North, and we would meet at the same spot along the beach, but going in different directions, our perceptions of the beach are both unique to the direction we are traveling, but it’s the same beach.

Everyone interacting with the Beach
This is one of the first concepts that I grasped when I heard Jarvis tell this statement to the Acolyte in the audio recording. We’re all part of this, rising out into the moment to crash upon the beach to experience time as we would perceive it. Each wave reflects each individual agent behind the scanner, each character in the universe, as a unique moment in and of itself reaching out to experience things upon the beach at that moment. Time itself is an abstract, a perspective that’s unique for each individual in the world. Each unique in their moment, yet part of something bigger at the same time. Each wave flowing upon the beach.

The Ultimate
The one combining factor in all of this metaphor is the Ultimate, each wave is unique on its own yet is still at the beginning and ending of it a part of the water itself. The Ultimate reflects the water in this regard. Where some people are focused upon the waves themselves, the waves are still a part of the water. The water changes the features of the beach under times of great turmoil like when a storm (hurricane or typhoon) comes up towards and even upon the beach. Changing the beach itself as it sees fit. One could even compare these storms to the anomalies in Ingress. We have the gathering of a lot of forces upon areas to bring out change into the world.
So why call it “the Ultimate” then? Think of it in regards to the vastness of the ocean itself, and how large it is. How… Ultimate it seems… Roland Jarvis himself calls the Ultimate the Water and us the waves.

Jarvis & Mazz 1: The Ultimate
The Acolyte and Student: Devra's Fate

So agents, what do you think? Do you see the waves and the water now? How about the entire beach?

John Hanke Matilde Tusberti Andrew Krug H. Richard Loeb Edgar Allan Wright 
Linda Besh 



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