What happened with Roland Jarvis?
What happened with Roland Jarvis?
The fate of Roland Jarvis is an interesting one, the events leading up to and surrounding his death are well known, and yet what actually happened to Jarvis on his deathbed?
In the Eastern religion of Buddhism there is a specific meditation called "tukdam", also termed the "death meditation", as stated, "If the meditator can continue to stay in this meditative state, he can become a Buddha," - Dr. Kerzin. What is meant by "become a Buddha" is that the meditator can become an enlightened being This may shine a more clear light upon what happened with Jarvis.
As shown in http://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-31125338
A monk was found mummified and in an extremely well preserved state. This is almost a reflection of the description given by Scott describing Jarvis' body, "There was a body in there. I’ve seen a lot of bodies and just about everything that can be done to them. But I haven’t ever seen anything like this. It was all dried out like a mummy or something. Black. The arms and legs were curled up like a baby sleeping. But this wasn’t no baby. Like 100 pounds of burnt beef jerky. It was curled up on a cot and there were flowers and plates of fruit laid out all around it and outside the cabin. Incense and little oil lamps were burning." - http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/05/27/scott-and-anne-klue-in-danger/
This is similar to what's been coined the "Hero's Journey", _A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man.
This journey is based on the archetype of death and rebirth, in which the "false self" is surrendered and the "true self" emerges. A well known example is Dante's Divina Comedia, in which the hero descends into the underworld_ , as stated in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ego_death.
An image relating this cycle is attached. The Acolyte could be holding Roland Jarvis ' body because he could still be moving his body.
As shown in a strange story, http://midnightinthedesert.com/mysterious-mummified-monk-may-moving/
Do you think that Roland Jarvis views himself as some sort of hero who has returned to bestow good tidings upon all of us? Or is this some perversion of ancient held beliefs, bent towards Jarvis' ill minded benefactors?
Or is there some truth behind this? I think that the truth is something in between, with Jarvis being a perversion of this, while some of the researchers are in fact bringing good things back to us from their return from the ABDN chambers.
What do you think Agents?
Edgar Allan Wright John Hanke Matilde Tusberti Andrew Krug Linda Besh Mustafa Said Yik Sheng Lee
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