Trying to collect as much information from the Videos before the meet up happens in New york.
Trying to collect as much information from the Videos before the meet up happens in New york. Sharing so far what i know.
Alastair Gilfillan asked what this building was and after viewing the video a few times my husband and i figured out it is the HoNo building on 629 Broadway in New York City.
the link to the google maps is here,+627+Broadway,+New+York,+NY+10012/@40.7260927,-73.9962242,3a,75y,269.3h,100.6t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFVLyvOPdOU1m5W6-_tP_0A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x8e82ec28918ad76e!8m2!3d40.7262584!4d-73.9966674!6m1!1e1
The two closest portals to it are The Cable Building Statues which is on the same building,-73.995916&z=18&pll=40.72584,-73.996581
And The New York Mercantile Exchange Building which is directly across from the HoNo Building.,-73.995916&z=18&pll=40.726033,-73.996127
I do not know whether these are important but i figure any information is worth looking into. I sadly am across the country and can not be at the event, so this is one of the only ways i can help. I will try to get more information from the videos as soon as possible.
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