Did anyone notice the guy in puzzle look a lot like PAC?

Did anyone notice the guy in puzzle look a lot like PAC?

here http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/10/25/glimpse-of-a-machine/

its when Tecthulhu appers for the first time, in Noir Video. PAC said "I suspect I saw this without seeing it when I first watched the Via Noir video some days ago. If that sounds like a weird sentence… well.. it is."

and then few days ago we had another post: "Repeting vision"(http://investigate.ingress.com/2016/11/10/a-repeating-vision/), well at first looks like a normal post but if you put both pictures together it makes a hole new event that match with PAC feeling. (Achim S. did it first)

It seems that it is PAC vision. But the question is when is it happening?


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