Epsilon posted this image and code to Essex tonight and while I still need to update on Epsilon art, this one had...

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

Epsilon posted this image and code to Essex tonight and while I still need to update on Epsilon art, this one had some rather familar images in it.

This code was posted
z'd jtrivu fw kyvkr. jfdvkzdvj z nfeuvi zw yv'j nrktyzex dv czbv yv uzu kf uvckr

And YutoRaion transelated it to this! Thank you so much!!!

ROT+9> i'm scared of theta. sometimes i wonder if he's watching me like he did to delta.

Moving on to the image, the symbols in it are actually what are very similar to me. Why? Because a year or so ago Edgar Allan Wright came into Operation Essex and asked how one could store memories. The conversation led to a suggestion of mind palaces and after a deep dive back then, after Misty Hannahs Mind Palace RPE, I came across these symbols after looking into the Method of Loci and finding the art of memory with the help of Essex.


These images are graphical memory devices from works Giordano Bruno who wrote on mnemonic techniques and principles, extensively on the art of memory. They caught my attention then because they made me think of Glyphs and how they could work in these ways.

This isn't the first time Mind Palaces have been brought up with Ts-Morpheus but this was definitely something that hit close to home... Obviously I kept this in my own mind palace without thinking on it.

What does it mean right now though? The message that came with it definitely warns us.... I'll have to look more into this image when my mind is not stuck on these symbols.

Ingress John Hanke flint dille Hank Johnson Operation Essex Project Lycaeum Project Isthmus #ts-morpheus #ingress #passagetoOsiris #epiphanynight


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