I'd like to take a moment to thank every single agent that helped in the #TS-Morpheus Investigations.

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

I'd like to take a moment to thank every single agent that helped in the #TS-Morpheus Investigations. There are so many of you that I'm so afraid I will miss someone if I start naming you but every single one of you contributed to this investigation in some important way no matter how small you believe your role was.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart in the entirety of my Investigation soul!

TS Morpheus taught me a lot about myself and about the communities I'm involved in. It connected agents with investigations that had never been involved before and brought a new light of fun challenges and dead drops into areas that were incredibly thankful to have something to do. Outside of the storyline every comment that I have received from Agents involved in TS Morpheus has been positive. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed having something to do that was more than just fight over portals. It encouraged many agents on both sides to work together for a higher goal which was amazing to see.

Yes there has been question on officialness of these drops, but a majority of people were willing to go after these dead drops and share their contents so we could advance the storyline which was something I at first wasn't sure was going to happen. When I first started getting involved with this I was leery of how how much it would take off but my communities proved there was nothing to worry about. That they would come together. And even those outside of our communities that are now part of us showed us that agents in Ingress are amazing.

TS Morpheus brought a new light to investigations. It made our work more public and accessible for everyone to be a part of. We weren't investigating an old story line but a new one that no one had any previous knowledge of so it made it easier for everyone to get engaged in it together. It pulled so many new people into investigating that happily followed the entire process and gave their own input on what was happening.

It also challenged us in serious ways when it came to decoding. It pulled in people, and awakened others, who had experience in decoding and ciphers into the community and allowed those who had experience in it to be a part of the investigation and story in a more involved way. It allowed us to learn and grow together with the puzzles we were given, many members of Investigations wanted to learn past this experience on how to decode in the future. Yes, Omicrons puzzles challenged us so much because they weren't our normal run-of-the-mill ciphers. Heck we had a Enigma puzzle..... And though we struggled it was solved and we got to watch the entire process in Investigations which is not something we normally get to do.

There was conversation everywhere about it, immense amounts of it, and people working together with different expertise.

TS Morpheus has certainly been something that required many people's expertise and help. So when I say each and everyone of you played of part in getting us to the point we are now I mean it. Every single one of you helped in some way shape or form whether it be supporting the entire group in solving these puzzles, grabbing dead drops for us and sharing them, figuring out the ciphers, reaching out to TS Morpheus members, making missions, being a part of the global challenges, joining the investigation, or even questioning what this investigation was and if we should do it, you all played a role that I am incredibly thankful for.

Please continue being the amazing agents and people that you are and thank you for being a part of my investigation experience! I look forward to the information Epiphany Night brings us and the continuation of the story we have worked so hard to figure out.

Ingress John Hanke Edgar Allan Wright Andrew Krug H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex Project Lycaeum Project Isthmus #ingress #epiphanynight #passagetoosiris #ts-morpheus #goteam


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