The Last Moments of Ts-Morpheus

Originally shared by Ishira “Glyph Hunter” Tsubasa

The Last Moments of Ts-Morpheus

About an hour before the Australia Dead drop ( i ended up spamming the Essex chat with one sided conversation because i noticed that TS-Morpheus started typing in the chat.

For those who dont know, the TS-Morpheus TG account has been in the investigations chats since the first day the account was spotted and has been the account that both Pi and Beta used to communicate with the investigative communities. They were the only two that used this account and thus when both went missing, it went silent. So of course, when the account started typing i freaked because it was the first time in ages that we had heard from the account.... But something was off.

The account would type and stop... And then do it over and over without posting anything in the chat. I attempted communicating with it privately but again, it would type and then stop... Never producing a word but being constantly active. As we were trying to solve some of +Agent Omicrons puzzles, i assumed it was an attempt to distract us so after awhile i tried not to respond too much about it though i was heavily curious. I shot a message from time to time privately to try to log how long the account would be active but then just as it seemed to calm down, another issue popped up.

+YutoRaion created the Ts-Morpheus Ticker channel, which is a channel that updates whenever the Ts-Morpheus website ( updates. It gives us details on what is removed and added in the source code of the website and it started going off randomly itself. Consistently the website began changing small things like spaces in its text while removing text and then re-adding the same text. Again this was over and over, definitely gaining our attention but we were not sure what to make of it. Was Morpheus glitching?

Out of no where a dead drop slowly struggled onto the website one update at a time and we were busy sending agents to spots in Australia but not even ten minutes later i noticed the Ts-Morpheus account name had changed.... In venturing further the logo to the account looked glitched and it was still trying to type a message in Essex. Then Epsilon finally messaged the group, asking what was happening as he heard something going on outside his quarters... A Boom....

Epsilon fell silent after that, well kind of. Like the Morpheus account, his would type and stop numerous times alongside Morpheus. Their names changed i cant even remember how many times and their pictures as well, each update a bit more chaotic then the last. The second dead drop in Australia was posted and its image as well was glitched....

After gaining the last dead drop, we finally understood what was possibly happening. The compound was being destroyed, the Tecthulhu was being taken offline along with everyone else. In a last message both Morpheus and Epsilon said together

Help us. Save Us

before going offline and leaving their accounts blank of anything but a dot.... The website was wiped clean of any of its old data and would update to what it is now, stating there was break down of two accounts and that there was a suspected force shut down of a Tecthulhu along with the destabilization of an AZ because of it. The TS-Morpheus team has all been silent since, minus +TS_ Iota who today, went silent after agents finished the final decoding challenge....

All we know is something will happen at Epiphany Night... Something waits for us there.... I sadly do not think we will be seeing any of this team that we have come to know over the last two months.. We may however see the man behind it all.

Ingress Edgar Allan Wright John Hanke flint dille H. Richard Loeb Operation Essex Project Lycaeum Project Isthmus #ts-morpheus #ingress #epiphanynight #passagetoOsiris


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