Lore & Research Update Regarding The Liminal Continuum

Lore & Research Update Regarding The Liminal Continuum

Originally shared by Liminal Continuum

Agents, thanks to your diligence Interpreting the #LiminalContinuum visions our Sensitive has channeled, we have collected data enough to see emerging patterns, one of which, is a theme of threes related to this multifaceted tecthulhu.

A Theme of Threes
Space: With each vision, three locations are Interpreted. At each location, three portals must be visited. When the third in each series is discovered, three dead drops are discovered associated with the given vision.

Time: Of the many portals now associated with Liminal Continuum visions, there is a pattern of “Past” “Present” and “Future” by the nature and symbolism of the portals. They are not always in chronological order. This pattern resonates with the Liminal Continuum theme of "What happened before will happen again is happening now."

Archetype: The Liminal Continuum is not one, but two archetypes - The Interpreter AND The Omniscient. Moreover, its historical roots are in the Humanist, spawned from the Luminescent Heart. Thus, once more achieving a theme of threes. The Humanist represents the past, where the Luminescent Heart emerged at the first gathering at Camp Navarro. The Interpreter represents the present, as agents decode visions and connect through remote participation. The Omniscient is the future, which we will discover with wherever – and whenever – this all leads us. The more we help Interpret, the further along the Omniscient path we seem to proceed.

The journey is not over, there is more to discover, just out of reach. There are so many more connections to make across space and time, or even beyond these. Will you continue to help us? *Our Sensitive is not yet free of her visions… *

Mission Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?ll=21.53749967469196%2C-131.26900655234374&z=3&mid=1sLSN4ZWqMauVf6KoVvxjjV2IaQjRAwP4
Website: https://www.liminalcontinuum.com/
G+: https://plus.google.com/u/1/114409553601935368712
Instagram: @LiminalContinuum
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LiminalContinuum/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_4N5VFtvdO8b87XZedk53g

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