I started writing this for the About Me section but it's getting long.
Originally shared by Tycho C. I started writing this for the About Me section but it's getting long... probably just write it out as a couple blog posts... I was born on August 16th, 1977. It was during a thing called the Harmonic Convergence. Astronomically, it was an unusual and unique alignment of planets in the solar system. Eight planets were, when viewed from Earth, aligned in a configuration some folks called a grand trine. Then, there was some stuff in the Mayan Calendar and my mother delivered me at a convergence at Mount Shasta. You do stuff like that, it’s your own damn fault when your kid comes out kind of strange. And I did come out strange. I was born knowing how to draw. When I was four, a local art gallery put my preschool drawings up in a modern art display. He, of course, was trying to mock another gallery that was exhibiting things like Crow in a Coal Mine and Dove in a Blizzard (which were essentially black and white canvasses respectively). Anyway, my stuff...