As the Artifacts draw closer to their destinations, I pose a series of what ifs for the essex community.

As the Artifacts draw closer to their destinations, I pose a series of what ifs for the essex community.

-What if Hank Johnson's death is a direct result of the Resistance anomaly win? As an ENL aligned character, I see how it could happen. Seeing him come apart at the seems before the video came out, I could understand the connection. which leads to my second and third questions.

-What if the artifacts hold the power of resurrection? It's one possible interpretation of immortality (eternal life) ... though less literal in compared to the classical definition of invulnerability (cannot die).  Another interpretation:

-*What if resurrection means incarnation?" 
My means of attaching 'spirit' (think glyphs) to 'mind' and 'body'.... in loose terms, something ADA might be after so she can incarnate her own manifestation without having to puppet Klue around. 
alternatively, the artifacts could be used to resurrect Hank Johnson, akin to the Jarvis resurrection. 

-What If ADA resurrects Hank Johnson?
Would he lean towards a resistance alignment after that? Klue started out resistance (scotland), switched to enlightened (portland), and switched back to resistance (KLADA). It's not a stretch to see hank come back resistance, should ADA decide he might be an asset.

I look forward to thoughts from the essexians.


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