This is a public service announcement from our Founder.

This is a public service announcement from our Founder.


Part of what we want to encourage in Ingress competitions local or worldwide is good sportsmanship between the Factions, we understand that things can get very competitive in the war of XM especially during official Anomaly season but lets not forget that Agents are people too and should all be treated with respect. One way to do this is by learning how to HONOR THE GAME. To help us remember exactly what this means we should all learn the concept of ROOTS.


R is for RULES.  Rules keep the game fair. Every Agent should play by the rules, abiding by ToS is the main concern, followed by Anomaly event rules, whether or not it is an official Niantic hosted event or an event hosted by the local community.

O is for OPPONENTS.  Without opponents, we have no game. The Resistance needs the Enlightened, the Enlightened need the Resistance. It is a symbiotic relationship. A good opponent pushes us to do our best, so we should be grateful for our opponents. We expect Agents from both sides to show respect to each other, and EGO's should be kept in check, otherwise you may be playing a one sided game, which is no fun at all.

O is for OFFICIALS.  Respecting the officials - whether it be Niantic or your local community organizers - may be the most difficult part of Honoring The Game. Officials have a very hard job of keeping the game safe and fair for both Factions. Officials aren't perfect (just like everyone else) and sometimes calls aren't made in our favor (or yours), but show respect to the officials no matter what.

T is for TEAMMATES.  A huge part of Ingress is playing the game with your fellow Faction teammates, the most important aspect of the game is learning to work together. When you are part of a team, your words and actions out on the field, in the comms, in the communities, hangouts, etc. reflect not only on you, but also on your teammates and community/faction leaders. So be humble in your accomplishments, praise your teammates (praising the other team too doesn't hurt), and treat others how you would like to treated - the Golden Rule. Encourage and support each other in and out of the game and you'll start to notice your team come together and unify under one goal.

S is for SELF.  Some Agents only Honor The Game when their opponents do, but we should always Honor The Game no matter what the other Faction, your teammates, or even non-Ingress Agents observing the game do. Live up to the standards we set in our own selves, no matter what the cost.

Stick to your ROOTS, and you'll be Honoring The Game we've all come to love and play. Ingress is still relatively new and the community will only continue to grow, in order to keep the game successful and fun for everyone, as well as stick to the game, we have to always Honor The Game, I promise that if you do this, you will help advance the game for both the RESISTANCE and ENLIGHTENED alike.

Mark Sison 
Founder & Chief of All of the Things X Matter


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