Just saw this and found it interesting. Lots of 13

Just saw this and found it interesting. Lots of 13

Alexander the Great ruled for 13 years and bought his horse Bucephalas for 13 gold coins (then he died at 33). During the Salem witch trials of 1692, 13 women were executed. When the colonies were being setup, (New) York Rite Freemasonry had 13 degrees.
The original American flag had 13 stars and 13 stripes for the original 13 colonies. Mason Pierre L’Enfant designed at 13 street pentagram in the middle of Washington D.C. The D.C. Freemason Temple of Understanding is located 13 blocks north of the White House, directly in line with the Washington Monument obelisk. 

In 1913 the criminal Federal Reserve was founded; it is composed of 12 regional banks dominated by the New York Federal Reserve Bank. In 1933 they began printing bills with Illuminati pyramids and Bohemian Grove owls on them. Those bills also encode the number 13 repeatedly.
There are 13 stars above the eagles head, 13 steps on the Pyramid, 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis, and 13 letters in Et Pluribus Unim. There are 13 vertical bars on the shield, 13 horizontal stripes at the top of the shield, 13 leaves on the olive branch, 13 fruits, and 13 numbers.
In the Department of Treasury seal on the front, there is a Free Masonic square, like the compass/square on the Masonic seal and if you get a magnifying glass, you’ll see there are 13 holes in the square.


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