Further activity from Klue

Further activity from Klue

There are more #FindTheKlue missions announced, as quoted in this post from Ingress , https://plus.google.com/+Ingress/posts/Goh9Dqut52J

With a translation of Agents, it should just be gone online two missions. Help us and #FindTheKlue .

Well agents, what you think Klue S. is trying to tell us from the other side of the portals?

In my opinion, her current state is a reflection of what happened with Roland Jarvis when he initially entered the portal network after being shot. Is Klue S. a new ally of the Acolyte within the portal network? Or is it possible that Klue S. is on a different mission?

What do you think, Agents? Edgar Allan Wright ?


John Hanke Matilde Tusberti Andrew Krug Linda Besh flint dille


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