I posted this to the Ingress community board.
I posted this to the Ingress community board. It was suggested that I post here as well. Just my attempt to anchor thinking around the philosophic positions of researchers and sensatives (especially with a recent discussion here about where a certain madman is in relation to Enlightened and Resistance). Really interested in how true researchers view this rubric. Could also be reworked as views on xm and dark xm.
Originally shared by Ryan Schoon
The recent announcements from the Acolyte and Jahan got me thinking about faction choices and the ideas behind them. That lead me down the road of creating a way to organize the philosophical positions of players and leadership. Now note, I don't actually suggest that nine factions are practical solution, but I do think these position cover where people's minds are regarding AI and Alien influence.
Where do you sit in the chart? I'm an enlightened agent in A1, personally, which is opposed to the Acolyte's position in A3
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